Possible Events, that actually would take some challange and some defense along the map!
ze_v0u0v_a4 (People winning the last stage of Extreme mode gets VIP)
ze_l0v0l_a7 (1 or 2 weeks VIP)
ze_FFXII_Feywood (Less items, probably only the needed ones, like Heal and Wind or something like that)
ze_Ancientwrath (No items)
ze_Last_Man_Standing (1 month VIP)
Soft Serve Maps (ze_journey, ze_ashen_keep, ze_sunlight, players winning all three maps get VIP)
Publika Maps (ze_Pirates_Port_Royal (CSS one), ze_Pirates_Port_Royal (CSGO one) and ze_Bathroom)
ze_UT2004_Convoy Event (Tryharding this map, 3 or 1 month VIP)
ze_santassasination (1 and half month VIP, Extreme mode)
ze_Frostdrake (1 month VIP)
This are some maps that came across to my mind for some challanging events, if any others maps that come to my mind, I will add to this list.