Event Suggestions

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The block idea is bad in my opinion it can literally kill every human. In skyrim you have avoid the push attack from alduin and the block will simply kill the guys on the back without them having any chance what so ever. For me, Zombie Escape maps were made to have no-block enable, yes I understand where you guys are going with this, but you also have to also think what is going to happen if you do.

@ChivasPL has a good idea with "No items" and also, make Events on maps that are hard but never nominate / played and not wasting them. And keep the rules like they were, winning only the last stage, to give people a chance at least. You get infected as a mother zombie on the very first round and then the humans win, basically the event is over for you...
Possible Events, that actually would take some challange and some defense along the map!

ze_v0u0v_a4 (People winning the last stage of Extreme mode gets VIP)
ze_l0v0l_a7 (1 or 2 weeks VIP)
ze_FFXII_Feywood (Less items, probably only the needed ones, like Heal and Wind or something like that)
ze_Ancientwrath (No items)
ze_Last_Man_Standing (1 month VIP)
Soft Serve Maps (ze_journey, ze_ashen_keep, ze_sunlight, players winning all three maps get VIP)
Publika Maps (ze_Pirates_Port_Royal (CSS one), ze_Pirates_Port_Royal (CSGO one) and ze_Bathroom)
ze_UT2004_Convoy Event (Tryharding this map, 3 or 1 month VIP)
ze_santassasination (1 and half month VIP, Extreme mode)
ze_Frostdrake (1 month VIP)
New Dark Souls Map (2/3 weeks VIP)
ze_Harry_potter (Ofcourse 1 month VIP, if you all stages)
ze_avalanche + ze_tyranny Event (Less items I think)
ze_johnny_nukem (Winners of last stage get 3 or 1 month VIP)

This are some maps that came across to my mind for some challanging events, if any others maps that come to my mind, I will add to this list.
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Possible Events, that actually would take some challange and some defense along the map!

ze_v0u0v_a4 (People winning the last stage of Extreme mode gets VIP)
ze_l0v0l_a7 (1 or 2 weeks VIP)
ze_FFXII_Feywood (Less items, probably only the needed ones, like Heal and Wind or something like that)
ze_Ancientwrath (No items)
ze_Last_Man_Standing (1 month VIP)
Soft Serve Maps (ze_journey, ze_ashen_keep, ze_sunlight, players winning all three maps get VIP)
Publika Maps (ze_Pirates_Port_Royal (CSS one), ze_Pirates_Port_Royal (CSGO one) and ze_Bathroom)
ze_UT2004_Convoy Event (Tryharding this map, 3 or 1 month VIP)
ze_santassasination (1 and half month VIP, Extreme mode)
ze_Frostdrake (1 month VIP)

This are some maps that came across to my mind for some challanging events, if any others maps that come to my mind, I will add to this list.

Perfect list @bAka . I would only add harry potter, johnny nukem and avalanche.

P.S. New Dark souls version coming soon, as well as updated Johnny Nukem. *looks at Dejade*
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Can someone lock this thread since we have a new thread with more proper guidelines. I will still read and keep in mind nominations in this thread.
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