ze_avalanche_b5 - The helicopter on Stage 3.
ze_biohazard2_rpd_v4e_004 - Every single damn corridor.
ze_boredom_v543656 - Boss fight.
ze_castlevania_v1_3 - Boars, and last stage ending.
ze_colors_v1 - The entire train-wreck of a map.
ze_crashbandicoot_v1fix - Pretty much all bosses.
ze_dark_souls_v2 - Avoiding traps inside the fortress.
ze_ffvii_cosmo_canyon_v5test5 - Any part with lasers.
ze_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_v5_3 - Ending bridge with lasers.
ZE_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_V6_B08 - Ending bridge with lasers.
ze_FFXII_Feywood_b3_1 - Ending area with lasers.
ze_FFXII_Paramina_Rift_v1_4 - Stage 2 boss & ending area with lasers.
ze_FFXII_Westersand_v8zeta1 - Chaos laser platform.
ze_frostdrake_tower_v1s - Many of the holds.
ze_hold_em_v10 - The ending boss.
ze_journey_v1_2 - Some of the traps towards the end.
ze_legoland_crackheads_v2 - Two of the endings.
ze_lila_panic_escape_v3_1 - Narrow holds, especially on later stages.
ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v2_2fix - Self-explanatory.
ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_5 - Self-explanatory.
ze_minecraft_adventure_v1_2c - Certain narrow areas on later stages.
ze_notredame_v1_3 - Narrow holds & ending climb.
ze_paper_escaper_v7 - Extremely narrow holds.
ze_Pidaras_v1_4fix3 - Lasers & map trolls you anyway even if you can see.
ze_Pirates_Port_Royal_v3_6 - Several boss-fights.
ze_pirates_port_royal_v5_4s2 - Several boss-fights.
ze_predator_ultimate_v3 - Cliff-run on stages 1 and 2 & the ending with alien.
ze_RE4_castle_a3 - Extremely small door holds & ridiculous boss.
ze_sandstorm_f - Last stage low-gravity jumps.
ze_santassination_css2 - Do I even have to point this out?
ze_Serpentis_Temple_v1_1 - Many areas where visibility is garbage.
ze_sunlight_v2_0 - Quite many narrow holds.
ze_taboo_carnation_v2 - Mostly the ending, but also one or two stupidly narrow holds.
ze_tyranny_v5 - Lasers and shit everywhere.
ze_ut2004_convoy_v2_2_1 - Many narrow holds and the map is hard enough as is.
ze_zombierig_v4_3 - Later stages introduce a jumping part where many people fall down.