Event Unloze Treasure Hunt


Pendulum SQ
Oct 11, 2016
Stuttgart - Germany
Event is over!!


15 Chests have been hidden in 15 different ZE-Maps! Your goal is to be the first one to find all of them!


Starting on 20th April at 0:01 GMT+2 this Event is going to last at least until one player has found all the chests.

The first player to fnd all chests, will be rewarded with 1 Month of VIP.
On top of that the winner can choose one exclusive Skin that is available to him and ONLY HIM for 1 Month.
(The Unloze Management has the final say on the skin, because of possible big file sizes, nudity, etc)

New Commands:

sm_dig [ !dig ]
With this command you can dig for a hidden chest at your current position. If you are in close range to a hidden chest it will reveal itself to you. Do not take the word "dig" too literally. Some chests are hidden in places where digging with a shovel makes absolutely 0 sense. Think of it as a "reveal-magic-chest-command" ;)

Important: Other players can NOT see a revealed chest!!! Only the person who found them can see them, so you do not have to worry about other players benefiting. If you keep to yourself that you found a chest, no one else will notice.

sm_chests [ !chests ]
This command will tell you how many chests you already have found and which are the ones that are still missing.

You can check out how you are doing compared to other players here:

This has never been done on any ZE-Server before, so do not be too harsh to me pls :D Maybe my hints are too easy, maybe my hints are too hard, maybe the whole idea is bullshit, let's just see how things turn out. Like always, feel free to leave any feedback about the event here in this topic.

Location Hints:
Treasure #1:
Meet the one who crossed the alps for a drink.

Treasure #2:
Enter the Ravel gate.
Update: Trouble finding the gate? It used to be on St Johns Road.
Update #2: Shoes!

Treasure #3:
A boulder nearly killed you at work today? Time to relax and watch TV!

Treasure #4:
I can't remember James Cameron adding jump lasers.

Treasure #5:
Toss me!

Treasure #6:
Just give me a cool drink and play that same song!

Treasure #7:
There is a place on top of the Tower of Guard (Quick Maths) where a beggar asks for money.

Treasure #8:
Maybe Struppi's dog burried something behind him?

Treasure #9:
A chest was spotted at the gate near the bridge. The fight between the humans and the dragon in the darkness of the moon was still going on in the background.

Treasure #10:
76561198022192380 found one of the chests some distant island and "sailed" back to his home and favourite place with it.

Treasure #11:
An english leader burried one beneath the great TWO.

Treasure #12:
The fruit is making weird noises?!

Treasure #13:
Ps 47,8 ESV

Treasure #14:
"I can't breathe..." "Yes, I'm a bit nervous myself."

Treasure #15:
Sometimes blue pants are the key.

Edit: Admins with FTP-Access are excluded from the competition for obvious reasons.
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Wooooooh!! Thank you for planning and going through with this, I am sure it will be hella appreciated C:
Excited for this!
Really nice job @Neon, keep on doing this type of events, will fill up the server with a lot of new people, I hope!
Good job bringing something fresh to the game. Even if it doesn't work, the creativity is what's important.
Also. Does anyone understand the hints or am I just fucking stupid?
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Reactions: Migza
Is it really that big of a problem that a few "!dig" show up in the chat every now and then? I mean we spam lennies all the time, plz
Is it really that big of a problem that a few "!dig" show up in the chat every now and then? I mean we spam lennies all the time, plz
Problem is not about spam, it's people who might just let other know where to dig. Imagine if 2 people type !dig and (and maybe get a chest), all other will go there and try !dig (cause when multiple people type somethign in chat, there are always many who type the same thing to see what happens (just type a fake command, and people will try to type it) ) . Making only few people search wih hint, and ton of others just 'stealing' other people's work
it's people who might just let other know where to dig.

There are usually a lot of people on the server, you'd have to keep track of where everyone is (while zombie escaping) when they type !dig and the only way you'd actually notice this is by extreme luck or if you cooperate with the person. Unless we have tryhard plebs who sit in spec all day and check everyone who types "!dig". But I get your point. Neon should hide it from the chat