Sticky Topic for CSGO ZE informations (OLD)

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UNLOZE Founder
Oct 11, 2016
This Topic will be edited over time as new content and information will be made available.

Want to download all maps on our csgo ze?

Want to become a vip? Intergrate steam with your forum acount here:
Afterwards go here:

VIP commands: !zclass, !glow !rainbow.

You can use !p90, !elite, !mp5, !negev and so on to rebuy weapons ingame instead of having to use the !zmarket module.

For Devs & Server Operators that want to know a bit about us: This is our server machine. We run CentOS 7. Server is located in Strasbourg France.

Current rules (Also displayed in MOTD):
1) Do not use Hacks/Cheats. Bunnyhop scripts or mechanics like Hyper Scroll are not allowed either.

2) Team killing, griefing and working together between the human and zombie team is not allowed.

3) Abusing glitches and bugs can result in punishment such as slay, kick or a ban; depending on the case.

4) Do not rejoin as the only zombie alive during a round.

5) Please only speak English on the voice chat! Doing otherwise can result in a mute without warning.
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reduced all zombie classes knockback by 0,5, added all normal zombies hp to 10k, vip zombie 15k hp. This should make the server a bit more difficult.
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update* steam tokens got replaced and should not cause crashes anymore every 3 days.

There are still some few random crashes occuring on the server but im trying pretty hard to investigate what is causing them and trying to get rid of those crashes.
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*update, negev and m249 has been nerfed to balance the gameplay. Also every higher up with root access, be very carefull if you use the /give command, giving some types of weapon can cause server crashes, limit the use strictly to bizon, p90 or he grenades.
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ze_biohazard2_sewer_004_p8 has been removed from the server due to heavy ammount of client crashes. Self reminder for future, never add this version ever back to the server.

Edit 07-08-2017 23:45
We heavily trimmed the ammount of plugins down from 85 to 27. We only left essential sourcemod plugins on and very few plugins that we cannot play zombie escape without.

This will mean that the server will feel more dull but if this does not god dammed fix the crashing we might as well start over again as a Roblox gaming community.
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well, even running only essentials the server crashed. I think i am just giving up at this point with trying to fix the crashing issues.
my exam is over, not sure if it went good or bad, but fact is that i have freetime now. People now spawn with TA grenades and healthshot, Also stopsound got fixed and i am updating the map list to have the newest versions. Also we got an new advisor, @Kaka
after a pretty long time we finnaly switched out the public playermodel for normal players on the server. thanks to @Kaka for the suggestion.
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well, its been a while. I am currently test running the csgo ze again. We monitor the server for some days/ weeks to check if the random crashing might have stopped due to our new workarounds.

While we are waiting for potential crashes to somewhat analyze them am i in the process of modernizing the server again. Assuming our new ideas for solving the random crashing works we will start the csgo ze more actively again with selecting admins, running events, building up the community, etc etc.
Log update 01-03-2018 00:47
csgo ze server seems stable so far, added lvl tags to chat. Still fixing stuff and updating maps.
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I should finally be done working on the clantags, they wont disappear for you anymore and your settings preferrence with !hextags is now correctly saved.

edit: removed cowanticheat again as it needs an update from the author to work correctly again.
Will add/ update some maps today.
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Finally got tracers to work for top 75 players. The tracers have different colors deppending on your rank between 1 and 75.
If you want to disable the tracers type !tracers.
This will hide your own tracer and everybody elses tracer from you. it also hides your tracer to be seen from any clients still having tracers enabled.

edit: Fixing a lag issue
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George fixed BossHP for csgo.

The tracers are finally working pretty good, i think i am done with them. Only minor issue is if you are in top 10, have tracers enabled and are left handed. in that case the zeus bullets will be slightly off.

additional: will add/ update some maps on the server today.
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This upcomming weekend im fairly busy but the next week i would like to create our first csgo ze event since we kick started the server back to life now about 3-4 weeks ago. The event map is up for suggestion, right now i would think of stuff like exorath or sky athletic.

For this purpose i also opened the thread again so that everybody should be able to reply.
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added a "dev zone" to atix helicopter. If you win a map as ct,- by reaching the end of the map and killing all zm,- you should be rewarded with additional 10 hp each time you beat it. Rejoining/ map change resets hp. I plan on adding different features with these dev zones but its going to take time cause i also got other things to work on.

EDIT: I changed the health settings on the server. The "dev zones" will reward players for finishing maps as ct and give them slight CT/ZM benefits for the maps Duration. This will still take time before actually visible on the server since theres still several things to work on.

Secondly more important to health settings is an overall change in Zombie Health. I lowered the ZM health immensively and also lowered the Infection rate meaning we have more mother zombies than before. Currently im in the process of removing all unecessary zr_infect_mzombie_ratio from each config on the server making sure to keep the Ratio appropiate for maps that still need it like Atix or Mako.

The idea is to turn the gameplay settings more torwards the direction of oldschool plaguefest with many zombies that all have low health and respawn fast.
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Update: Kaka and i tested the dev zones for a couple of maps yesterday and they seemed to work okay to us. These zones add slightly extra health and damage to the player for each time that they won the map as humans by reaching the end. It resets on Disconnect and on map changes.

We need to put the zones into each map and also into stage maps with multiple different endings. The flag for acessing the menu is the ban flag. So if you have admins access on csgo ze and want to help out please take your time to create zones in maps in case that they do not already exist on the map. The command is !zones and gives a neat menu for editing. For actually seeing the zone you need to have it in edit mode. Please do not make zones visibile to anybody, they should always be hidden to everybody except of the editing mode.

Last and most importantly: Name the zones ZONE_PREFIX_CT to make them work. If the name does not match the zone wont do anything. If you need to do a second zone do ZONE_PREFIX_CT1 and then for a third ZONE_PREFIX_CT2 and so on.

My original idea related to actual map end zones was the hlstatsx points. With the current system you can get ocassional false positives where the ct's gets points for killing all zombies but not actually beating the map. If you would give the hlstatsx points based on actual zones you can make sure that the players actually beat the map. But that might still take a while to make.

Next up, when i have freetime i want to add more features to the dev zones such as extra gamescore +25 points for beating every map. and glowcolors and maybe also ZM speed(this will require some balancing). And deffently also timers for race maps such as arctic or licciana.
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