Sticky Topic for CSGO ZE informations (OLD)

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Added several custom things, some extra commands are !ghost and !wings.

Also added hiveradio on csgo.
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i added an "bot" to the server called artificial Lifeblood of Zombie Escape. Its still unfinished and i am not sure how much i can achieve but the goal is to make it develop a speech pattern based on what people write.

If you first type "unloze" into the chat and then write the second intended message that mesasge will be saved in the bot and it will eventually use that sentence as an answer or an question to something.
        "question"        "bye"
        "question"        "lol"
        "answer"        "picklers"
        "answer2"        "lol"
        "answer"        "unloze lol"
        "answer2"        "hi"
        "answer3"        " how are you doing"
        "answer4"        "I cant hear radio"
        "answer5"        "how is the weather"
        "question"        "unloze lol"
        "answer"        "lol"
        "question"        "d"
        "question"        "rtv"
        "answer"        "rwddddd     "
        "answer2"        "noobs"
        "question"        "rwddddd     "
        "question"        "?"
        "answer"        "Howw can I "
        "question"        "gg"
        "answer"        "fukcing "
        "question"        "HI"
        "answer"        "YWHO ARE YOU"
        "question"        "fukcing "
        "answer"        "fuking noobs"
        "question"        "fuck team"
        "answer"        "g"
        "question"        "da"
        "answer"        "hahaha"
        "question"        "hahaha"
        "answer"        "what do you mean?"
        "question"        "whay"
        "answer"        "nice jump Chea"
        "question"        "xD"
        "answer"        "no"
        "question"        "wtf"
        "answer"        "rank"
        "question"        "what"
        "answer"        "YEH BOy"
        "answer2"        "what 42"
        "question"        "what 42???"
        "answer"        "jenz"
        "question"        "aaaaaaa"
        "answer"        "da"
        "question"        "gsagsbhxbhsbhjsx"
        "question"        "Я МИРНЫЙ"
        "question"        "HOT"
        "answer"        "love you"
        "question"        "дай пять"

        "question"        "hi"
        "answer"        "Bye"
        "answer2"        "lol"
        "answer3"        "unloze lol"
        "answer4"        "hi"
        "answer5"        "da"
        "answer6"        "hahaha"
        "answer7"        "HI"
        "question"        "picklers"
        "answer"        "wtf"
        "question"        "lol"
        "answer"        "fukcing "
        "answer2"        "xD"
        "answer3"        "?"
        "answer4"        "What"
        "answer5"        "gsagsbhxbhsbhjsx"
        "answer6"        "Я МИРНЫЙ"
        "question"        "high"
        "answer"        "rwddddd     "
        "answer2"        "gg"
        "answer3"        "what"
        "question"        "YES"
        "answer"        "rtv"
        "answer2"        "?"
        "answer3"        "fuck team"
        "question"        "42"
        "answer"        "d"
        "answer2"        "whay"
        "answer3"        "what 42???"
        "answer4"        "rtv"
        "answer5"        "aaaaaaa"
        "question"        "unloze"
        "question"        "how is the weather"
        "answer"        "what"
        "answer2"        "HOT"
        "question"        "update"
        "question"        "what questions do you ask"
        "question"        "this meta sense makes no sense of being metalively meta about"
        "answer"        "дай пять"
        "question"        "lalaru-rurulu-lalaru-rurulu"
        "question"        "lalaru-rurulu-lalaru-rurulu"
        "question"        "TUTURU!"
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Reactions: William! :D
the bot now works using the Damerau–Levenshtein algorithm

I am pretty happy that i got it to run. The input the bot gives back now is not that random anymore but trying to be based on things. The more chat messages there should be added in the future the better it should get at selecting fitting sentences. However i will still spend some days probably working on the mysql query for potentially optmizing it.

Edit 1: Further optimized SQL query for picking better results. Will still try to improve further if necessary.

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added "!dmgscale" as an admin command on the server to check damage output. if you think your damage is bugged just enabled the command to check your damage. With this admin tool we can atleast check if the damage actually does bug out, if not we just have to lower the damage again or add a ceiling to the damage.
The damage scaler might have been fixed now, i did a few changes.

I will stop working on plugins for the next 5-6 days and instead spend more time on exam cases.

edit1: next monday me and/ or kaka will look at the maplist again to reconsider if we should add/ remove maps.
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Added race time support to the server.

This is the first release, i dont expect stuff to go wrong, if it does i will be bug hunting. Admins can add race zones to maps by creating zones and naming them ZONE_PREFIX_RACE

With !toptime you can check top 10 runners on a map if the map supports race zones.
with !time you can check your own time on any given map using race zones.

The timer starts every round since every player on ze starts at the same time.
Admins can right now only add one race zone map. I will later modify it so we can have several race zones for examplewise ze surf maps.
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Updated the maptimer, it should now reset on roundstart.

next goal is to add multiple zone support for ze_ surf maps. Also admins please add race zones into maps if you think they fit in. To differentiate the race zones should be green and have the name ZONE_PREFIX_RACE
added the first version of surf support for both versions of surf facility, surf vortex and surf sahok on csgo.

Each of the maps have Zones for the timer. The command to check your time is !s1 !s2 !s3 !s4 !s5 (its a bit buggy right now so if it does not show you the menu the first time just spam it a bit until it shows you the menu)
Removed the Troll playermodel from the server, replaced it with Fleshpound, added hellknight, xeno and grunt as additional zombie playermodels. Removed the class differences so all zm classes now have same settings. Added a random zombie class as default selection which randomly picks between available zm playermodels. You can overwrite that still by normally selecting a playermodel in !zclass.
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changed global map cooldown from 7 maps to 16. I would like to see how this works out, if the feedback is negative we will lower it again. if its favored by players we probably just keep it.

Edit: also added a small paint plugin for fun. You can use !paint to draw colors for 5 seconds. With !paintcolour you can choose the color and with !paintsize you can resize them. The command is currently available for everybody.
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Added !painthide as a command so that you can hide all colors from being painted. It takes a round before it cleaned out all previous paints.
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Reactions: William! :D
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