Sticky Topic for CSGO ZE informations (OLD)

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Updated my race/ surf timer. It was removed from the server for a while because it was broke. Now that i finally finished my own zone plugin the race/ surf timer could also finally be upgraded to run it instead of dev zones. Except of that i also fixed some major bugs.
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Added rewards to the zonerewards plugin for duo and trio wins. If you Solo you get 60 extra tokens and double amount of points in rank. If you duo you are rewarded 35 tokens and 1.5 amount of points in rank. For Trio its 20 extra tokens and a third of the amount of points for a full win, So kinda like 133.333% points.
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Zuff figured out how to stop the spec removing hud glitch. should be good now completely.

Edit: Actually never mind what zuff tried broke alot of things in return. So everything is not good.
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Added a !volume command onto the server to change the loudness of map music (i might have to do slight reworks on it in relation to the !music/ !stopmusic commands however the !volume command on its own seems to work decently currently).
Well then the issues i talked about earlier today should now be resolved. The !volume command should coexist fine with the !music command without causing interruptions. The !volume command is now also able to catch all songs that the normal !music command can catch. We had the !volume command before but back then it was part of another plugin strictly looking for mp3 and wav files hence why it sometimes would not lower the volume of some songs/ sounds.
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There is a fastdownload limit on csgo somewhere around 150 MB, apperently skyrim overstepped the limit causing missing map errors. That got fixed now. This could potentially fuck up again in the future if the auto syncronization converts skyrim to bz2 instead of bsp.

I also talked with Roger and we agreed on changing the Self mute plugin so that admins from now on hear nosteamers. Regular steam players will still have nosteamers muted by default but roger has a point in that some nosteamers might quit if random nosteam kids talk russian or arabic or whatever and the admins simply dont do anything, so acting on that would probably be better hence why all admins with ban flag from now on can hear them too.

If you are a normal steam player that for god knows what reason has the urge to listen to nosteamers you can use the command !sunosteam and !smnosteam to permnanently change if you want them self muted or self unmuted.
So apperently ze_reloaded_v1_e4 has the exact same missing map issue like skyrim. For that reason i am now moving all maps that as .bsp exceed 150 MB and upload them to the fastDl as BSP files again instead of bz2. Like said if the auto sync script should overwrite these files to bz2 again that would give missing map issues which is real bad.

The total amount of maps that are downloaded as normal BSP´s will be 22 now.

Edit: Also edited the advertisement.txt file to include the following chat notifications:
        "chat"        "{blue}[Unloze] {default}We are looking for new Admins. You can Apply here: {green}"
        "chat"        "{blue}[Unloze] {default}We are looking for new Admins. If you are interrested message Global Admins"
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I am happy to announce that the first version of my Event Scheduler is running.

[UNLOZE] Next Event is: Event# 117 Christmas&BestKorea
[UNLOZE] Taking Place in: 4 Days, 22 Hours, 24 Minutes
(i copy pasted from the ingame chat before starting to write the post)

Every 5 minutes it sends a message to the server informing about the next event, and well if no next event is planned so far it tells people to wait for the next scheduled event.

Admins can use the command !event to link the specified event into the chat, the server then proceeds to read that link on every map start and then informs all 5 minutes what the title of the event is and how much time there is left until the event.

My next plan is also to make it inform in the chat about the events specified rewards.
Fixed a small issue and managed to make it display vip rewards too:
[UNLOZE] Next Event is: Event# 117 Christmas&BestKorea
[UNLOZE] Taking Place in: 4 Days, 11 Hours, 1 Minutes
[UNLOZE] Rewards: from 1 week to 2 weeks of VIP

For this to work however requires that event managers dont change certain formatting such as:
Time :, Date :, Event#, Prize :, pm GMT+2, basically just continue doing the event posts in the exact same way, as long as formatting is the same like always it should work as intended.

You can of course still change event number, the time and date where it takes place and what the prize will be. You just have to make sure its spelled Date : , Time :, Prize : in the post and
Event# has to be in the title like always. just dont do Date:, Prize: for example, keep the space.
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Fixed an smal issue where the event scheduler was one hour behind on actual event time.

next thing comming up, Since the debate about freeze grenades always went around alot i made something new today. With !poll you can vote yes or no on if smoke grenades should be restricted. The votes are then stored in a database and everytime we start the map it restricts/unrestricts freeze grenades deppending on the vote. If you vote yes and the yes count then atleast is 1 higher than the no count it will restrict the smoke grenades in real time. Same vice versa for unrestricting them.

An ingame Poll Plugin to decide some server settings could potentially be very usefull in the future. I have other priorities right now doe and will first later in the future continue on working for this to serve multiple purposes instead of only restricting/unrestricting freeze grenades.
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Since freeze grenades now will be optional because of the !poll command i increased the zombie knockback from 1.6 to 2.6.
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Alright seems decently ok now, Might have to do slight reworks at some point. Also changed the paint as suggested by roger so that it follows your feet like a trail instead of following the players aim.
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i will ocassionally load the plugin that makes the sourcetv spin in circles while i play to test if its save from removing the weapon HUD.
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