people are mad at me for no reason

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I m too sexy for this world everything that i touch turns into gold.

dumb people accept the rules. smart people like me find the way around them.
life is a big party for me. i have no conscience, no morals, nothing holds me back , i have the ultimate freedom.

there is nothing i cant get because there is nothing i cant do. PRAISE The Calculating God.
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I am happy I have the privilege to interact with you. I feel so special :bobross:
What more wisdom can you grant us, The Calculating God?
kaza4ok@(CSGO.HOUSE) 8. Mai um 18:48 Uhr

-rep camper
Kyoko the Mistress 9. Juni um 22:48 Uhr

-rep playing with killer
dav_ 12. Juni um 0:12 Uhr

silly little indian-kraut.
♠Last Guardian♠ 12. Juni um 20:40 Uhr

-rep biggest idiot and antimate ive ever seen on dead by daylight! please deinstall all teamplay based games ♥♥♥♥♥♥
wallerma 14. Juni um 21:39 Uhr

-rep Antimate. Teabagging me while i was hooked
Turbo Tim 19. Juni um 18:25 Uhr

reported allready just trolling in this game. blocking me. just report him.
CheMax 19. Juni um 18:39 Uhr

-rep bodyblocking noob,die from aids
Turbo Tim 19. Juni um 19:34 Uhr

reported hoffentlich rutscht du aus auf ner bananen Schale du kek geh dir mal ein leben suchen kid du bist schon so basically Monkey. PS. Kys
Turbo Tim 19. Juni um 19:34 Uhr

+rep jude
Rasijel 22. Juni um 22:02 Uhr

-rep nice antimate DBD (schönes vollprogramm mit BB) thumbs up clown
Siebi 22. Juni um 22:03 Uhr

gott wie armseelig muss man sein leute zu bodyblocken und zu trollen, hoffe du lässt dir iwann mal eier wachsen :)
m'spooky Hermione. 28. Juni um 14:11 Uhr

-rep bad dbd teamate
☣Kirz_☣ 28. Juni um 14:19 Uhr

-rep The worst teammate ive had in my 800hrs of expiereince, Youre complete trash , 1,6k hours and youre still this bad? Did you afk your hours? Becouse thats believable if you did so.
Bischey 6. Juli um 14:54 Uhr

Du Scheiss dreckiger Camper tunnel Spast
Keksonik 31. Aug. um 13:07 Uhr

-rep camp
Pitbull 5. Okt. um 19:54 Uhr

-rep camp
ιℓℓσω 6. Okt. um 20:58 Uhr

-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ team mate, will body block you and troll you, shove themselves in front of you with speed perks an block you from getting away from killer, then when you're on the hook, will lift you an drop you over an over again so you never get off the hook an it attracts killer

They criticize me for my playstyle but its simple. everyone plays the game how he likes it. because everyone plays it for themself and not for other people.

i did nothing wrong people being selfish is a big problem of the society we live in. they want me to play the game like they like to play the game isnt that selfish. but they wont realise that because all they care about is their own interests.

btw i never criticize anyone for playing the game like they do because i know that it is wrong. i m not a selfish person i m a good human being.
34th in the top defender ranking
nice one

My slaves did the dirty work for me like always. i never did the dirty work because i deserve a special treatment. I m better than everyone else i deserve better treatment.

playing maps to the last stage is boring and annoying, boring annoying defending, boring annoying staff materia use, thats the dirty work that my slaves did for me.
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