FUCKING + 1000 for cyberderp. Verry nice map. Awsome, but yea there is a problem with a crash... sometimes. But i think giving a chance for this map is a good idea. A crash time to time is nothing
But i have to say, and like some ppls told me,
@Moltard it's not to u to tell it's bad or not.
Personnaly this map make me laugh a little, mostly because of music yea, but i like to play ze games after some huge tryhard. Same for random. Dont tell "something is like this" based on ur POV. Games is funny for some ppls, it's a fact.
Personnaly i vote no. A map should be removed from the list by the moment it broke completely the server, or unplayable, or verry bad (it's not the case of games because ppls vote for it, and not only 2 ppls)
About kabzor 's proposition... mmh how to say, make a list of map that have to be removed based on his tastes is a verry bad idea. Remove some maps because they are "shit" is the best way to lose some players who vote for them