Introduce yourself !


The Real Futa
Veteran Admin
Oct 11, 2016
Welcome young fella \o

You're new on our server and on the forum, just talk about yourself here \o
Don't be shy we don't bite I swear :wlenny:
Lemme do it then :D

My name is ZeGaWa I'm a 21yo baguette but don't worry I'm a really nice baguette :wlenny:
You can call me zeg, zega or gawa if you want :)
I joined Unloze in July and I just fall in love with this community.
See ya on the server \o

See it's not hard :D

If a big papa admun can stick it please.
K then i'm Vinto from weed garden AK I am sterdam some years ago, i'm new on this community since i joined at the beggining
Because i love lasers my favorites maps are : Castlevania, Bioshock, Fap rote, Boredom, Asian wrath and Gris (i also love many other map but it's hard to chose)

Yes i love nonsense :lenny:
I love weed, i mean good weed you fucking rookie trying to roll parsley you just bought with a leaf and light it with a toaster (ok i already tested this...)

Keep remember, follow the light --------------------------------------> :lenny:
Lenny is strong
Lenny is love

Edit : i'm 26 years old and drawer in research department for fire protection but we don't care about this
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Sup. I'm Blue Dragon / Glacius / ShadowBerry.
Now that we've finally gotten the new forums running, I guess I'll have to post my introduction as well!

I'm Council of bor3d Gaming community, an ex-SSA on GFL and a Technical Assistant of Unloze.
I'm a regular on ZE, but use some of the other servers as well, you you might see me around, wherever you'll play.
I also sit on TeamSpeak almost daily, so if you need to contact a staff member, hop on over and talk to me. I don't bite.

Personal Info:
I'm 24 years old, male, live in Finland, enjoy gaming, my own creations, dragons and mostly play video games during my free time from work.
I'm also a sucker for good red wine. Best wine country? Georgia. - Be sure to ask me anything related, if you're interested.

As a zombie, deadly. - As a human, swift. Catch me if you can.~<3
Moin moin and hello im Struppi.
I live in Germany and i love mapping / level-design. I released one ze map so far (Ancient Wrath).
Im 21 years old male who likes epic moments in games, movies, music or other media.

I am the Server Manager of the Zombie Escape server from UNLOZE.
If you have any suggestions or appeals for the server dont hesitate to tell me.
ill try to make the server the best experience for all kinds of players from tryhards to casuals.

I also gave myself the task to take care of the interpersonal relationships of the community so that all people will have a great time and get along together.
If you have a problem with anyone please contact me so we can work this out. No hate should push the actions we take!

:feelsgoodman: i also like memes :feelsgoodman:
Well Hello i'm Qlimax. Aka Qlito :wlenny:

I am 21 years old Born in the US but living in The Netherlands.. (kill me)

Love playing games, sport, going out and studying :>

And yeah that's it guess. Qlimax out. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

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I really wish I could just copy my post from the old forums.
So yeah, if you are an oldfag, you know me.

For everyone else:
Hey, I'm Serra, 20 years old male from Czech Republic. I am a casual ZE player and I am here more for the community than the actual game mode (And because of Glacius). I love dragons, gaming and good sci-fi. If you want to know more, there's nothing better than to ask. I don't bite... much.
Well i was told that this was back.

So.. Sup im Radiothere or just Radio, I have been working with jenz since i joined his old community [ZI] and became admin there.
I have been a part of all this ever since, and will most likely stay until the end.
Im trying to be nice and welcoming to everyone who joins the community and are always open to talk on all social media related to UNLOZE.
Steam, Teamspeak and forums.

But if you catch me on a bad day, and you say something im not in the mood to, i may call you a cunt.
But that's mainly because im bit of a cunt myself.
and i will most likely make up for it again.

That being said.
Im also Teamspeak manager and on Teamspeak whenever i can.

I guess that was it.
You fucking Cunts :lenny:
Hai, im an old ZE player (since 2009) played on i3D since then, I was an admin there for around 5 months then the community collapsed.
I was actually a Zombie Escaper "Professional" if you want to call that, those guys that tryhard and shit, but those times are gone. Awesome times!
Right now Im an Exile Escaper, I got bored of CSS, but I dont know if I come back one day.

Personal info:
My real name is Afonso, in-game name bAka, 18 y/o, male, sexy, from Portugal, studying multimedia/photography at university. 4 times a week I go to the gym.
Hello there.
Well, I am Camilla Regina, I'm born and living in Norway, female and 22 years old.

I started playing zombie escape in jan/feb 2012, and css in 2011. I found i3d, and plaguefest, but my main server where i was active alot was i3d. I was admin on i3d for 2 years, then also continued when we went from i3d to n3xt. As you all probably know we merged with Unloze and I was admin here for a while but I retired. I still play from time to time. Still some of you maybe dont know me that well, but feel free to add me and talk, its nice to get to know you all.

I enjoy playing other games, specially survivor games. I also love music, big part of me and Im very musician, I love piano. Other interest of mine is photographing, animals, webdesign, and I love doing makeup and sfx makeup.

I'm active on steam and here on the forum so just send me a message if theres anything.


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Hei hei.
I'm erafaR, 24 years old and from Norway.
Been playing zombie maps/escape since 2008, but have been a couple of years absent because of adult shit happening. Used to frequent the old Mint-clan server when they existed.

My big hobby is being a viking reenactor, and it's more a lifestyle then a hobby really, as I spend almost all my spare time doing stuff related to that. I'm a swordsman fighting hærkamp, eastern style and the occasional showfight. Done some housecarl too, but dont have all the equipment for it at the moment as some of it broke.

Not the most active person on the forum, but you'll propably find me lurching around somewhere in here.

I'm Alexandre from Paris i play ZE since 2009 on Hellz. I made a pause 2 years, at the beginning of CSGO for being pro (i gave up because of the horrible atmosphere). And when i came back, Hellz disappear, i discovered UNLOZE :feelsgoodman:

Don't know what i can add... (Jenz if you see this: Can i give you my curriculum vitae for being Advisor :love: )

NB: I expect admun nominate Mako every seconds of my life.
Hello everyone, late reintroduction here

My name is ghoX and my real life nickname is Eko. The "1350" is actually my birthday "13th of May" but I don't like odd numbers. I love pony porn!
I'm from germany and some people know that I'm actually turkish.

I've been playing Counter Strike since CS 1.something.
You know, the old versions where you could shoot through thick walls and hit people who were on the other end of the map.
I also played Runescape and SWTOR in the past but I doubt that anyone has seen me there since I mainly played on german servers.
I also worked on some projects:

- "Pokemon Eiskristall" which is an RPG maker project
- "Pokemon Sovereign of the Skies" which is a pokemon emerald romhack on a german forum
- I started to make my own romhack but I had to focus more on school and after a while I lost my interest in it
- I also started to build a ze map in 2011 or so but I lost the .vmf file which made me quit mapping but maybe someday I'll return...

I once won a mapping contest on said german forum. We were only allowed to use the vanilla tiles of either pokemon fr/lg or ruby/sapphire/emerald during the contest.
And the only ze contest I won so far was ze_predator_ultimate where I helped "tanking" the predator with the corner glitch on the portuguese ZM Corp server.
Just trying to show off the little things... I love pony porn!

Other than that I like to watch anime and I'm also into collecting anime figures <= never start with that if you like the feeling of money in your wallet. I love pony porn!

Oh and most of the time I'm playing ze for fun. This is mainly the reason why I usually avoid taking items on maps.
Looking forward to playing with everyone.
And as always: I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!I love pony porn!

Thanks to anyone who bothered to actually read this wall of text.