Recent content by Metroid Skittles

  1. Metroid Skittles

    Give me admun

    Hard to tell if this is serious or not.
  2. Metroid Skittles

    Need to Know Library Fax Costs

  3. Metroid Skittles

    Zombie riot overlays

    It's very unlikely you're going to find that thing. That screenshot looks like it was 15 years ago at least and like what was said on the Discord a lot of these things were part of communities that are not around anymore and the files were lost. Here's a link to Gamebanana's misc section...
  4. Metroid Skittles

    Yumni's Admin Application

    Hi, First off thanks for applying. Unfortunately we're going to have to reject this at this time. After internal discussion it's become clear that none of the admins appear to know anything about you. This maybe due to a name change or you're just not engaging the community enough. To correct...
  5. Metroid Skittles

    Event #415 || Funky Escapetoria

    Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer...
  6. Metroid Skittles

    application #3

    After discussing it further we’ll wait for now on you having admin because you’re not well enough known in the community but please continue to play on the server and get to know folks and maybe in a few months try again. Thanks for your interest.
  7. Metroid Skittles

    application #3

    Please stop making applications. It’s spammy. The others have been locked. We’ll go with this one. We’ll have to collect feedback from others from ZR.
  8. Metroid Skittles

    Event #408 || "Maps we don't play often"

    Is SCP the one the mapper asked us to remove or was that another SCP?
  9. Metroid Skittles

    Event #400 || jump king shill event

    Yeah this was a painful one to get through. Maybe we should start limiting the time spent on events a little more.
  10. Metroid Skittles

    The NiDE immigrants.

    Requests denied.
  11. Metroid Skittles

    Changes to Mako V5

    Been open long enough. The "Yes" has it.
  12. Metroid Skittles

    Changes to Mako V5

    I'd like to remove fall damage from Mako V5 and return it to more traditional ze settings. This was discussed before but only limited to VIPs. I'd like this open to the public.
  13. Metroid Skittles

    Creepy application

    Thanks for applying. I don't see any reason personally why you shouldn't be given a chance. You have one ban for rejoining as last mother ZM which is bullshit in my mind. I do see quite a few mutes in the last year but nothing serious likely troll mutes some of them. Just clean your mic...
  14. Metroid Skittles

    THE LAST STAND : event idea (need dev with big muscles)

    Would probably be easier to make a new map with just that stuff copied into it than trying to strip Minas.
  15. Metroid Skittles

    Nemesis Model being replaced for a testing period

    Just because you’re trying to fix one issue does not mean you do not give a fuck about the other.