Recent content by Kaka

  1. Kaka

    New Skins 2024 - Skin Suggestions

    I would like to nominate these two :)
  2. Kaka

    Event #433 || possibly the c00lest map in 2024?

    This is the kind of event I been waiting for
  3. Kaka

    New Skins 2023 - Skin Suggestions

    I remember a similar spiel when we had it in the past. We found a more stable one but it still crashed the server at rare times. That model is forever cursed
  4. Kaka

    Opinion: CSGO ZE players or CSS ZE players, who is better?

    csgo has better mg players while css has better ze players
  5. Kaka

    Safe internet download

    How can you be so sure that Norton PLUS doesn't protect his pc from viruses so it doesn't destroy his minecraft world and pc?
  6. Kaka

    Safe internet download

    If he was using Norton plus he would be protected and his pc won't be full of viruses that destroys his minecraft world and pc
  7. Kaka

    Safe internet download

    I'm just gonna say what everyone else wants to say but they are SCARED since you are a senior admin. How can you be so sure that curseforge is trustable and isn't full with viruses that destroys your minecraft world and pc?
  8. Kaka

    2022 Zombie Escape balance Voting

    I personally value movement and more difficult movement techniques as a very core part of ze gameplay. Zombie players that are able to do a 'U turn' have put in the time and effort should have that advantage as it isn't 100% consistent and is difficult to do and needs the right criteria's to...
  9. Kaka

    Goodnight Kip

    Goodnight Kip
  10. Kaka

    Update Gmail verification should work again

    WOW, you never heard of WWW.MAIL.COM? :lenny: I usually just steam login when I have to access the forums. However I posted it here since in the past I have gotten emails from unloze in the past, so I thought if mine doesn't work at the moment there might be other email services that doesn't...
  11. Kaka

    Update Gmail verification should work again I'm not sure how many people use this site but this one doesn't receive mails, tried earlier with resetting my password, found nothing in spam or trash
  12. Kaka

    Advice for New Graphics Card

    I would suggest going for a 20 card or above just so you get dlss support and perhaps reuse that for your future build. Personally I enjoy having that flexibility and being able to play recent releases at least with a stable 60 fps, it's not an aspect I have fully utilized but it's reassuring...
  13. Kaka

    Admin Application [ZE]

    Didn't knew you changed your name Franzimaus, was a bit confused earlier today and thought you were a completely new guy +1 and good luck
  14. Kaka

    Got burn out so hard on CSS (ZE in general)

    I have said this before but personally css ze is very relaxing for me to play, it can get tiring defending but what really keeps me around is just familiar faces. You get a sense of belonging and it's nice to see people you recognize on the server and not just constant strangers that you will...
  15. Kaka

    Anyone know how to reduce or complely remove lag spike?

    I think that cleaning the laptop out of dust with compressed air could maybe solve it, otherwise it's updating/reinstalling drivers that comes to mind