Zombie Escape map music

the song used in ze_otakuroom first level anyone ? been looking for it for few weeks now with no clue at all
anyone knows the music used on the last stage of serpentis when you get out of the the temple and rush to the helicopter ?
just checked the map and found what i wanted
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Stage 1
Stage 2
Music pls


Music_Spawn = got_maintitle.mp3

Music_Stage1Start = got_biggestfire.mp3
Music_Stage1Fight = got_killcrows.mp3
Music_Stage1Giant = got_giantrun.mp3
Music_Stage1Middle = got_dontdiecleansword.mp3
Music_Stage1End = got_immediatemusic_vindicator.mp3

Music_Stage2Start = got_kingarrival.mp3
Music_Stage2Town = got_dracarys.mp3
Music_Stage2Garden = got_finale.mp3
Music_Stage2Boss = got_bloodborne_hunter.mp3
Music_Stage2End = got_tb_empireangels.mp3
Music_Stage2Credits = got_northremembers.mp3

Try to google the musics based on the mp3 names. Also im sure the map has a list of music somewhere, maybe at spawn