yoshmi's admin application

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Sep 9, 2017
General Information.
-Nickname: yoshmi
-Age: 22
-Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:26975345
-Server(s) you are applying for : Zombie Escape
-Current Activity : 3 to 8 hours a day.

Why do you want to be an admin?
I want to become an admin to help the server as I noticed the admin team isn't as active as it used to be. I would be lying if I said I really want to become an admin. I never cared about becoming an admin, I just want to help out because i think it's needed. I've been playing on this server for years without a lot of contribution on my end so let me pay you back.

What past experience do you have and other things that would benefit us having you as an admin?
I've never been an admin on any server before so I don't have any inside perspective on what it means to be an admin. However, I've seen over the years how admins do their jobs in pretty much any given situation.
I'm currently very active on the server and can help any time throughout the day. About the social aspect I believe most of you know who I am by now and I type a lot on the server although not always nice things
(sorry about that I'll try to chill out).

Can you play during late hours?
Sadly I won't be able to play past 23pm/midnight most of the time and same goes for early hours so take this as a no. I can play during these hours from time to time but not often.

Imagine you as a brand new admin, suspect a player to inflate or break the server rules on purpose.
I believe that the first step is preventive action. If the player is about to break the rules I'll warn them or straight up take action depending on the time I have to act. Trying to save the day while/after the player is breaking the rules should be top priority, transfering the item before its too late, muting a monkey who is screaming in his mic or canceling a knife forward (I see a lot of admins not doing this and that tingles me).
At last, I'll punish the player depending on who it is and what he did/was about to do.

Other stuff and/or last words.
Yes, I'm a clown who likes to mess around and I hope it won't hinder my chances too much. There are probably some stuff some of you would like to clarify about me and my personality so don't hesitate to come talk to me in private or on the server. Love you all <3, I had a blast playing with this community and I hope it will continue for as long as possible.
Accept this man already !

You don't have to pay back anything tbh, It's great that you want to do it don't make me wrong, but the best payback for us is to see you keep playing on Unloze.

You have some old bans, but imo they are irrelevant since most of them are from 2018, you were younger and maybe less mature, even tho the ban reason aren't that bad.

From what I saw about you when you play on Unloze or even on NiDE, you became a calm player who don't break rules anymore.
You're maybe a bit too calm, I would like to see voice your mind a bit more about different stuff related to the server. ( Good topic about the air accelerate btw)
Even if you don't know how to be an admin, don't worry it's not difficult, and with your css:ze knowledge it shouldn't be too hard.
If you have any question just send me a DM.

I don't have to power to make you admin anymore.
But I think you will be reach out soon by Ripper.

GL with that and see you on the server.
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I think it's very clear that you have a better grasp of how to be an admin without ever having been one than... some. My only concern would be you acting out of emotions, especially since you often have an attitude ingame (props for recognizing that yourself). But I suppose a potential trial period would show that. Good luck!
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Je Marchais dans la rue quand soudain je me heurta contre un homme avec un drapeau LGBT, je me retourna donc et lui dit "regarde où tu va pé..." Mais avant même de finir ma phrase un homme sauta devant moi et me secoua en hurlant "PENALTY PENALTY WHERE"

C'était Pristiano Penaldo.
Je Marchais dans la rue quand soudain je me heurta contre un homme avec un drapeau LGBT, je me retourna donc et lui dit "regarde où tu va pé..." Mais avant même de finir ma phrase un homme sauta devant moi et me secoua en hurlant "PENALTY PENALTY WHERE"

C'était Pristiano Penaldo.
Nique ta race gros chien
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we do the usual thing where admins/staff can come with some input. We either respond back to you tonight or tomorrow.
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Hi yoshmi.

Your application has been Accepted. We'll help you out during your trial phase by giving you the basic commands and such. Welcome to the team!

The UNLOZE Staff
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