Currently, we're using a free Xenforo theme that I've set up, before we vote for a new, more permanent forum theme.
If you're not happy about the current one, and would know a theme you would like Unloze to use, please post a link to it here.
Also, we would like to hear why you think the theme of your choosing is good for Unloze. (Pros/Cons)
The theme can be a paid theme, so don't worry about the price tag, unless it's something ridiculous like $100.
Extra points if the theme has both Light and Dark theme built into it, as some user prefer different styles.
If you're not happy about the current one, and would know a theme you would like Unloze to use, please post a link to it here.
Also, we would like to hear why you think the theme of your choosing is good for Unloze. (Pros/Cons)
The theme can be a paid theme, so don't worry about the price tag, unless it's something ridiculous like $100.
Extra points if the theme has both Light and Dark theme built into it, as some user prefer different styles.