Announcement UNLOZE CS:GO Zombie Escape server is live!

William! :D

Plumber in a world of perfect pipes
Veteran Admin
Feb 25, 2017
As some of you may know, xen and I have been working quite a bit on a Zombie Escape server based in CS:GO for UNLOZE. We had an aim to make this server different from other CS:GO servers and so far we are on the right track. We have the belief that zombie escape is not a well adapted mod for CS:GO and works much better on CS:S. Hence our objectives have been trying to mimic CS:S zombie escape to an extent but adapt it to CS:GO. This aside, we have also incorporated additions that are UNLOZE exclusive:
  • Free movement: Many are well familiar how being a zombie (or human for that matter) in CS:GO just does not feel right. You're clumsy and limited and frankly, there is not much you can do as a zombie. With our settings, movements for humans and zombies are unlocked and limitless so that it is more identical to CS:S. This will bring a new challenge to zombie escape, and hopefully be more fun.
  • CSSFixes: This is an extention by BotoX ported to CS:GO by xen. It has many features previously not seen in CS:GO ZE:
    - Prevent game_ui from disabling movement prediction so it doesn't lag
    - Prevent player_speedmod from turning off flashlight
    - Force players to only select CT spawn points
    - Prevent a filter's TestActivator from firing if the activator is invalid (i.e left the server)
    - Make player spawn entities (info_player_[counter]terrorist) non-edicts, and force them all to be CT
    - Force all buyzones to be for CTs
    - Make +use ignore players in the way (no longer need to jump and spam E to use materias)
    - Make bullets and knives ignore teammates (meaning no more stacking!)
  • PhysboxMultiplayerCollision: Physboxes nonsolid to nades if parented (Ex gandalf on minas)
  • ZSkills (disabled right now until coming vote): zcleanse + zammo
  • Randomized map votes: Tired of people spamming "Vote 6, vote 6!". Now the votelists are shuffled for every player.
  • Noblock for items: A very handy tool that allows for certain materias (such as earth item on mako) to be non-solid for humans, meaning they can walk right through them.
  • Top defenders & Top infectors: Because zombies should also be rewarded
  • Knifing: A good Zombie Escape player knows how to use every tool at his disposal, including the knife. In desperate situations, you can now knife zombies far away from if you are faster than them. Only use this to the advantage of the team, as any malicious intent is handled by the knife revert plugin which nullifies your attempt to kill the team and leads to a ban.
  • WEEKLY Events: Event nomination threads will be posted weekly where the community chooses the event for the week. VIP rewards are handed out on every event. The first event has already been selected:
As well as much more and more to come. We are open to any feedback and criticism and we take suggestions as they come.

With this being said, we are proud to announce the launch of the server! The first event has already been voted for and will be played this Sunday (05/04). It will act as our official launch. Check out the link posted above.

Information regarding VIP perks/skins and such will be posted soon in the CSGO ZE section of the forum:
You can support the server at:

Want to help around the server? Admin applications are always open! Apply at:

Thank you for your support and I hope to see you on the server!
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