Unloze Advice Bureau


New User
Nov 6, 2016
New York
Unloze Advice Bureau

Welcome to the Unloze Advice Bureau. Feel free to ask for advice on your most secret problems ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ).

i have criplling depression because i am addicted to memes, what should i do?
At night when they are sleeping, wrap rope around their legs. Then when they get up in the morning they will fall over and hit their head. Then they will realise their mistake.

Your friendly advice-giver :hdlenny:.

Thank you Advice-Same ♥♥
I'll be back to you soon
How do i get senpai to notice me

When I was a young person I had a teacher I wanted to notice me because she was very pretty. So one day I climbed into her house and hid under her bed and pretended to be a ghost. When she realized it was me she smiled with joy and gave me a big kiss. Now we are best friends.

Your friend.


PS. if that doesn't work a good spanking never goes amiss.
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How can we ban a member of Unloze ?
His name start by a number :wlenny:

If you dig a hole in the ground and scream his name into the hole three times, then a magic fairy will appear and bite his face off. But be careful, you may regret using it.
Then you can plant a flower in the hole in rememberance.

Your friendly advice-giver, :hdlenny:.
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