THE LAST STAND : event idea (need dev with big muscles)


Nov 5, 2018
Very complicated event idea... I have faith in our amazing devs (maybe making my own map would be faster than making the kickers)

Map it would be played on :

- lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3 obviously

Kickers and explenations :

Minas but we only play the final part of stage 8 (the last stand basicly)

General idea :

Humans spawn at the the top of the map and have a 60 seconds preparation time to do whatever they want.
After 60 seconds the zombies are unleashed (at the botom of the stairs next to the nazgul TP)

I. General settings :

- The infection timer would be very short and would start basicly at the begining of the round
- The 60 seconds preparation time would begin as soon as the humans are teleported to the top of the stairs
- Humans that try to escape their fate (go down the stairs where the nuke is automaticly killing them) would die after the preparation timer (maybe put a message that's telling them not to do it) or don't and let die the unfaithfull that didn't take time to read the event kickers that took me long time to write
- Infection ratio is 1/1 aka 32vs32 on full server
- The "final timer" before nuke aka time humans need to survive on top will be 120 seconds after the zombies are unleashed
- Disable topdef immunity (to avoid having a "good player" team stacking overtime thanks to top defender immunity)
- To keep the teams suffled make it so every 2 rounds infections cycle reset (making it so maybe sometimes some people would be zombies or humans twice in a row, but in 4 rounds its still a 2/2 human/zombie ratio)

II. For humans :

- Humans have no item (shop is not accessible since the stage would start at the final stand of the map for them) apart from the cades which spawn at the top (read IV. cade settings)
- Infinite ammo from the map at the end is disabled
- Starting money for humans : 16000 potatoes $
- Starting hp for humans : 200

III. For zombies :

- All the zombies have flag speed by default
- Zombies that pick up an item have their speed set back to default value
- Zombies have 5 nazguls (with x3 hp),(accessible via the regular nazgul TP)
- Zombies would have access to 4 ladder items (ladders on the back of zombies should be unbreakable)
- Zombies would have access to 2 TNT
- Zombies would have access to 4 trolls
- Zombies would have access to 1 balrog
- All zombies items excluding the balrog and nazguls should respawn (after 30 seconds) while respecting the maximum amount possible to have at the same time
- Zombies that die would respawn in the zombie shop where they would be either able to pick up an item and/or get teleported back to the botom of the stairs of the final part of the map

IV. Cade settings :

- All sorts of cades would be scatered and accessible on the final place of the map for the humans (a number of cades I had in mind was basicly at least the amount of cade that spawn during stage 4)
- Make it so cades are hard to destroy for humans (double the hp of cades)
- Make it so zombies can break cades faster (like 5 right click worth of damage)

Additional requests :

- Give every humans the "minas knight" player model
- Make it so voice chats are separated from teams to teams if possible (like you would have in regular matchmaking game)(I think it could create a fun "team spirit coordination in voice chats with both teams "leading" their side, I have no idea if this is possible to do but I hope so
- Add a message in chat that says something like "The zombies have been unleashed survive for 120 seconds" when the zombies are in fact unleashed
- Also add a 120 seconds timer counting down for the nuke
- If possible make the music playing during the preparation periode be an elevator music (I let you the choice to decide which, if found few in a playlist :
- If possible make the music playing at the end be "The Tempest" from pendulum (the music should start playing from 5:16 until 7:27 and start when the zombies are unleashed)

PS : Maybe values can be disccused and adjusted accordingly to how diffuclt or easy it is for us to win.
Maybe we should make a "test play" when the kicker is ready before the actual event.

If you have any questions, suggestion or thing you want to talk about feel free to let everyone know or DM me for more informations.
(Im down to take some time and go in VC with the guy who is gonna try do to this mess so that we can discuss what is feasable and not and keep the event kicker as close as what I wrote here)
Thx for reading, I will try to nominate this event as soon as the dev make it <3
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1. Will balrog have his default hp and ability to speed up zombies?
2. I feel like 32 white knight models might look too messy, maybe another skin can be suggested?
3. I think 200hp for regular zombies seems very little, if we keep it 200 maybe increase the ratio so we have more zombies than humans (and reduce amount of nazguls, idk). This would further feel cooler like a "true" last stand squad, instead of 32vs32. Edit: misread post xD
4. Let's say humans build several big cade towers and climb up, the biggest challenge would then be balrog+nazguls which is boring (since zombie ladder will die very quickly). Maybe give zombie ladder normal hp. Seems silly if zombie items die instantly and we lose them.
5. Since the map is restricted to the final part, maybe it's also possible to expand upon that area a little? It would take some work but add some rooms inside the buildings for instance.
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3. I think 200hp for regular zombies seems very little, if we keep it 200 maybe increase the ratio so we have more zombies than humans (and reduce amount of nazguls, idk). This would further feel cooler like a "true" last stand squad, instead of 32vs32.
4. Let's say humans build several big cade towers and climb up, the biggest challenge would then be balrog+nazguls which is boring (since zombie ladder will die very quickly). Maybe give zombie ladder normal hp. Seems silly if zombie items die instantly and we lose them.
200 hp is for humans only, zombies have regular hp settings
5. Since the map is restricted to the final part, maybe it's also possible to expand upon that area a little? It would take some work but add some rooms inside the buildings for instance.
I don't think its possible
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