Some defense tactics few people do.


Well-Known User
Jun 13, 2019
Hello, this is a brief and helpful guide.

1- Defense should be 2 lines, especially when there is some obstacles ahead of your teammates. You should always back up the defenders when they fall back.

2- While shooting the zombies you should never shoot the zombies that are turning their back and jumping or trying to gain velocity by the knockback. If the zombie get boosted you should always follow his path with your aim to stop his speed while turning back.

3- Reloading should not be at the same time, try looking at your teammates and if they reload together try to use a rebuy to change the reload time between them especially in closer defense spots.

4- If you're sure there are no obstacles or traps ahead you should always walk backwards and shoot using your pistols or an SMG.

If %60 of the CT team follow these tactics you're guaranteed winning most ZE maps without needing for items. And don't forget to listen to the leader, sometimes you need to doorhug!

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.