Nosteam bhop white listing

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UNLOZE Founder
Oct 11, 2016
If you are a nosteamer and you want bhop privileges back on css ze you can apply in this thread. Nosteamers steam ID can switch randomly or intentionally, if you switch yours obviously you will be restricted again, so better stay with the one you apply with in this thread.
For every forum user we only bhop unrestrict one steam ID, also to prevent mass spam from people signing up with new accounts the steam ID you want bhop unrestricted needs at least 10 hours of game time on css ze.

We wont start with this right away, instead we first start working on implementing the white list after a legitimate nosteamer bothered to apply here with his steam ID.
Can i just have mine whitelisted in case I can't login to steam again/get banned off steam again

Also couldn't a nosteamer just check this thread for any approved IDs and just spoof those?
well thats the thing, your the only guy so far that applied in this thread and your actually not a nosteamer since you got the full game and just abuse nosteam to ban avoid unlike people that only play nosteam and dont know how to ban avoid with it.
well thats the thing, your the only guy so far that applied in this thread and your actually not a nosteamer since you got the full game and just abuse nosteam to ban avoid unlike people that only play nosteam and dont know how to ban avoid with it.
Most nosteamers don't know how to change steamid, but a fair few who cheat do or at least have it built into their nosteam hack, or else there wouldn't be a need for this plugin the first place.
this thread only exists because admins thought nosteamers would use the forum to apply for getting whitelisted (meanwhile i kinda proofed my point that nosteamers are meatbags that really dont give a shit about what they play). And yeah its to stop hackers, hence legit nosteamers that dont own steam accounts can feel free to apply here.
i mean there is not a single word here and you played a total of like 2 hours on the server from what i can see on stats but alright in the future the steam id will be white listed for bhop when i have time to add it.
okay so i just read unloze admin chat and some admins said your actually a former nide admin who even has a steam account:

So why on earth are you applying for nosteam bhop then lol, and i guess this proofs my point further since only steam players applied here so far
i have some weird ban history :D
i have vac banned so it seems like im nosteam
hope you will whitelist me c:
this again is not a nosteam account. this is litteraly just another steam account....

this is a nosteam account. When i have time i will add you to bhop white list. This will probably first happen around jannuary althought.

Thanks, I will wait for adding to the whitelist. I ask you and I hope that it will be as soon as possible.
Thanks, I will wait for adding to the whitelist. I ask you and I hope that it will be as soon as possible.
after next map change on ze you should be able to bhop and as long as your steam ID of course does not change
Hi Jenz, I am nosteam because I am poor xd I never had legitimate steam css, I hope you include me in the white list because I would like to go back to play with my normal bhop:D


Hi Jenz, I am nosteam because I am poor xd I never had legitimate steam css, I hope you include me in the white list because I would like to go back to play with my normal bhop:D


Try to rejoin you should be added now and have access to normal bhopping.
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