Minas changelog (Stripper made by Noctali. Special thanks to zaCade for helping)
- Added Marathon Mode:
- Stage 1 to 4 (Normal or Extreme)
- Stage 1 to 8 (Normal 1-4 , Extreme 5-8)
- Gameplay of the Marathon mode:
- Everyone is reset to level 0 when the round starts (might add a toggle in the Admin Room to decide the starting level in this mode)
- Play the stage normally, no nuke at the end, it fades to black, followed by round transition (as in deleting entities from previous stage and spawning next stage, it takes 3 seconds or so)
- After winning a stage, all Humans inside the end area gain 1 level, as well as Mother Zombies
* That means, when reaching Extreme 2, everyone will be level 5 (beside Humans that died during the round, explanation further below)
* Humans that die at any point after the first Zombies appear will not gain any additional level for the rest of the round
* Meaning if you die during Stage 3 while being level 2 you'll stay level 2 for the rest of the round
* Your level as a Zombie only matters for Stage 1 to 4 as all Zombie items are unlocked when reaching Extreme 1 (besides Balrog of course)
- After a round transition, a dynamic Human item shop spawns within the map for 25 seconds or so
- You can only take an item if you have the required level for it (as usual)
- Item altar will be green if the item is available for pickup, red if the max limit is reached
- You can only take one item per transition
* So if you take Flag for example, you'll be stuck with it until the next transition
* You can't take Flag and then switch to Ammo during the same transition
- You'll be able to switch items depending on what level you have
* You can switch items if you have: Flag, Armor, Ammo, Oil
* You can't switch if you have: Horse, Gandalf, White Knight
- Items can be picked up again at the next transition if they died during a stage
* So even if BotoX takes Gandalf, fear not, when he dies, you'll be able to pick a new one if you reach the next transition
* Atlar color will automatically update based on this, if any of the items died during the round, the altar will be green again
* This also happen when switching item, if 2 guys had armor at Stage 3 and switch to Ammo/Oil at Stage 4, 2 new Armor items will be available for pickup
- Skin will be healed to their respective max HP on round transition (Armor, Horse, Gandalf and White Knight for Humans; Ladder, Troll and Balrog for Zombies)
- If you play Stage 1 to 8, Humans will unlock an additional Oil/Ammo when reaching Extreme 1
- Zombie items are available for pickup at the normal Zombie Shop (just use !ztele, you'll have 99 available)
- If you play Stage 1 to 4, the map will end at the end of Stage 4 (Zombies will be nuked)
- If you play Stage 1 to 8, the map will teleport everyone to Extreme 1 the first time of winning stage 4 and Zombies will only be nuked by winning Extreme 4
- Admin Room changes:
- Added a lot of toggle buttons that can be used by Admins to modify any mode of the map
* Note that any toggle you set is permanent for the rest of the map (no need to redo it every round) and can be disabled again in the Admin Room
- Human & Zombie item limit button:
* Admins can modify the spawn limit of each item in the map, between 0 to 10 (only Balrog is limited to 4 maximum)
* if you see [DEFAULT] it means this is the default value of the map for that item and will not disable further modification by the map later on (like the Zombie item increase in Extreme)
* if you see [NORMAL] it's just to show you that this value is the one normally used when playing Normal (it also disable any further modication by the map)
* if you see [EXTREME] it's just to show you that this value is the one normally used when playing Extreme (it also disable any further modication by the map)
* If you reduce to 0, you'll disable the ability to pick up that item
* While any of these items can be individually increased to the max value, be careful to not increase everything to the max at once, as you'll crash the map if you spawn too much, so know what you're doing when increasing the limit
- Meteor toggle:
- Meteor can be always enabled (no matter if Extreme or not)
- Meteor can be always disabled (no matter if Extreme or not)
- Meteor can be set to use default settings again
- Meteor can be set to do 50% damage
- Meteor can be set to do 100% damage
- Meteor spawn rate can be lowered/increased from 2 seconds to 16 seconds between each meteor
For any existing doubt, post it here and either Noctali or zaCade will answer.
- Added Marathon Mode:
- Stage 1 to 4 (Normal or Extreme)
- Stage 1 to 8 (Normal 1-4 , Extreme 5-8)
- Gameplay of the Marathon mode:
- Everyone is reset to level 0 when the round starts (might add a toggle in the Admin Room to decide the starting level in this mode)
- Play the stage normally, no nuke at the end, it fades to black, followed by round transition (as in deleting entities from previous stage and spawning next stage, it takes 3 seconds or so)
- After winning a stage, all Humans inside the end area gain 1 level, as well as Mother Zombies
* That means, when reaching Extreme 2, everyone will be level 5 (beside Humans that died during the round, explanation further below)
* Humans that die at any point after the first Zombies appear will not gain any additional level for the rest of the round
* Meaning if you die during Stage 3 while being level 2 you'll stay level 2 for the rest of the round
* Your level as a Zombie only matters for Stage 1 to 4 as all Zombie items are unlocked when reaching Extreme 1 (besides Balrog of course)
- After a round transition, a dynamic Human item shop spawns within the map for 25 seconds or so
- You can only take an item if you have the required level for it (as usual)
- Item altar will be green if the item is available for pickup, red if the max limit is reached
- You can only take one item per transition
* So if you take Flag for example, you'll be stuck with it until the next transition
* You can't take Flag and then switch to Ammo during the same transition
- You'll be able to switch items depending on what level you have
* You can switch items if you have: Flag, Armor, Ammo, Oil
* You can't switch if you have: Horse, Gandalf, White Knight
- Items can be picked up again at the next transition if they died during a stage
* So even if BotoX takes Gandalf, fear not, when he dies, you'll be able to pick a new one if you reach the next transition

* Atlar color will automatically update based on this, if any of the items died during the round, the altar will be green again
* This also happen when switching item, if 2 guys had armor at Stage 3 and switch to Ammo/Oil at Stage 4, 2 new Armor items will be available for pickup
- Skin will be healed to their respective max HP on round transition (Armor, Horse, Gandalf and White Knight for Humans; Ladder, Troll and Balrog for Zombies)
- If you play Stage 1 to 8, Humans will unlock an additional Oil/Ammo when reaching Extreme 1
- Zombie items are available for pickup at the normal Zombie Shop (just use !ztele, you'll have 99 available)
- If you play Stage 1 to 4, the map will end at the end of Stage 4 (Zombies will be nuked)
- If you play Stage 1 to 8, the map will teleport everyone to Extreme 1 the first time of winning stage 4 and Zombies will only be nuked by winning Extreme 4
- Admin Room changes:
- Added a lot of toggle buttons that can be used by Admins to modify any mode of the map
* Note that any toggle you set is permanent for the rest of the map (no need to redo it every round) and can be disabled again in the Admin Room
- Human & Zombie item limit button:
* Admins can modify the spawn limit of each item in the map, between 0 to 10 (only Balrog is limited to 4 maximum)
* if you see [DEFAULT] it means this is the default value of the map for that item and will not disable further modification by the map later on (like the Zombie item increase in Extreme)
* if you see [NORMAL] it's just to show you that this value is the one normally used when playing Normal (it also disable any further modication by the map)
* if you see [EXTREME] it's just to show you that this value is the one normally used when playing Extreme (it also disable any further modication by the map)
* If you reduce to 0, you'll disable the ability to pick up that item
* While any of these items can be individually increased to the max value, be careful to not increase everything to the max at once, as you'll crash the map if you spawn too much, so know what you're doing when increasing the limit
- Meteor toggle:
- Meteor can be always enabled (no matter if Extreme or not)
- Meteor can be always disabled (no matter if Extreme or not)
- Meteor can be set to use default settings again
- Meteor can be set to do 50% damage
- Meteor can be set to do 100% damage
- Meteor spawn rate can be lowered/increased from 2 seconds to 16 seconds between each meteor
For any existing doubt, post it here and either Noctali or zaCade will answer.