Need Help


New User
May 16, 2020
Apparently nobody can help me in the sourcemod forum. And I saw that the plugin runs on your server. Please help.
Unfortunately for Zombie Riot the last round does not work for me. The BOT is always kicked and it turns black, then the round starts again. A vicious circle. Can you help me?

So basically, the last day never works on any map ? Every round, all bots are kicked and the round restarts ?
Is that it ?
Reading at your post, i'd like to be sure i understood this properly.
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yes that's exactly my problem. I have already installed the TerminateRound Fix but without success. Do you have a solution for this?
Well, it's not up to you to install a plugin on your computer. That's won't fix anything since we have to fix things to the server.
Now i understood properly the issue, i'll see if we can fix it.