Nade knockback and broken spawn for humans.

Grey Reality

New User
Dec 29, 2016
I apply for a lower knockback for zombies caused by nades. Most of the lost rounds are caused by failnades. This is fucking unfair, just one retard is enough to fuck everything up and the whole team has to pay for it. So do not tell me something like: ,,people just need to learn, how to throw a grenade'', because nobody has influence on others.

By the way, I noticed that sometimes some of the humans are spawned in strange locations (for example: on the bossfight arena) at the beginning of round. This happened a few times on different maps, so I think it is a server issue or something.
The nades are simply a part of the game now. And could you give a certain map as an example for those broken spawns?
i saw that happen on pirates port (csgo version) maybe glacius can tell more about it, idk...
I'm quite sure I know why the spawns are fucked and I'll fix it soon'ish.
As for the grenades, well, we're used to them bringing the extra difficulty to our server, and I'm sure they'll be kept.
Yup totaly agree with Neon, when a good fail nade is throwed and you see it flying through the sky like a cute little bird, you know it will fucked up all the good effort you made to go so far on the map but the nade is so cute and beautiful,then you can't stop smiling when zombies are flying towards you with a kawaii face and whispering in your ears : minas tiriiiithu
The nades are simply a part of the game now. And could you give a certain map as an example for those broken spawns?

Pirates, Feywood and Tyranny so far.

I'm quite sure I know why the spawns are fucked and I'll fix it soon'ish.
As for the grenades, well, we're used to them bringing the extra difficulty to our server, and I'm sure they'll be kept.

How does this relate to the level of difficulty? It is a team game, team should be treated as a unit, so the difficulty should be applied to the whole team , not for individual players. There is not such a thing like individual consequences, whole team pays for that. VIP zombies just wait for it, until someone makes a failnade instead of looking for another way to catch humans, because you cannot even set them on fire by nades. This brings us to the question: ,,What are nades for?''. It is more like advantage for zombies than for humans in my opinion.
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It is more like advantage for zombies than for humans in my opinion.

This sentence prove that you don't understand at all the way Unloze play at ze.
imo the nade don't have the role to stop the zm team, it's just here to slow a bit zm and put them on fire (except vip ofc)
BUT if you throw it without thinking about it, then that mean you just want a run and shoot game.
This is one of the tiny parts of reflexion we can have on ze, we dont need a mod for retard because 2-3 ppl don't understand that if you throw a nade at zm feet they will fly through the air.
We already beated several map with this cfg nades so I dont see where there is an advantage for zm.

If you dont want to see fail nade go on GFL or on Hellz server they don't have this zm "advantage"
Broken spawns have been fixed.
As for the discussion about grenades, carry on.

Yes, I would like to continue this topic, but apparently some people prefer to send me to other servers to get it over with. So I am not sure if this kind of discussion is appreciated here.
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I think @Grew Reality has a point we can discuss on. There will be always idiots who will fail nade which will lead to a team loss. It's unfair cause not the entire team fucks up by bad defending for example.

I understand that it's a thing on unloze cause of the +difficulty but the fact VIP zombies cannot be set on fire is already making the defense harder than on other servers. As i realised we already have a bunch of VIP's which means there are always a few of them who spawn as a motherzombie.

I suggest also to lower the kb a little so fail nadeing is still a thing without the possibility that zombies fly 1000 meters. Just nerf it bit. If you want to balance that nerf we could reduce the burn time of nades for non-VIP zombies.
I think @Grew Reality has a point we can discuss on. There will be always idiots who will fail nade which will lead to a team loss. It's unfair cause not the entire team fucks up by bad defending for example.

I understand that it's a thing on unloze cause of the +difficulty but the fact VIP zombies cannot be set on fire is already making the defense harder than on other servers. As i realised we already have a bunch of VIP's which means there are always a few of them who spawn as a motherzombie.

I suggest also to lower the kb a little so fail nadeing is still a thing without the possibility that zombies fly 1000 meters. Just nerf it bit. If you want to balance that nerf we could reduce the burn time of nades for non-VIP zombies.
This is a fair suggestion and sounds like a good compromise, but I'd like to know what other people think of this.
I agree with him. Even though I like flying over the human team and reach the door/trigger before them I think it's too much. I've seen enough good rounds that were fucked up by either a fail nade (mostly) or some idiot who just decided to edge/knife (this is another story).

The burn time shouldn't be changed, in my eyes it's good as it is. But the nade knockback, yes please.
Yep, nerfing it a little bit would be something, since some people sometimes like those failnades as Neon said, but current knockback is too annoying.
I wonder why we should always change something on this server...
I never get it
People are never satisfied with anything. There is always something that can be changed.
Honestly, I like everything about our nades, because
- they can be a game changer and this goes both ways
- the possibility of failnades forces the humans to be more cautious about what's going on (instead of doorhugging)
- they give zombies a reason to actually try

So, let's say I'm a zombie and there are 40 humans and a total of 6 zombies. Why should I even try now, instead of going afk? I have pretty much no chance against all those humans. But the only thing that keeps me going is the possibility of a failnade.
And also, you should be able to stop a failnaded zombie, at least if your aim isn't on "CS:S bots on easy" level.

Believe it or not but people get better at throwing nades the more they play. Even I threw so many failnades back in the day, but I got better (and yes I still throw some accidental failnades sometimes, it just happens)
So, I think it is better to let people learn to play the harder way, instead of making it easier for inexperienced players or for players who are used to other server settings.
Just my 2 cents
We used to have the same discussion on i3d/n3xt (as we had higher knock back values on HE, without napalm, than Unloze has now). Therefore I added slow-motion effect on the nades. On a full hit it slowed you down 50% and rapidly decreasing to 0% within 1.5sec. So it gave humans slightly more time to react and it made it easier to aim on incoming flying zombies. In my opinion it worked great, but... *waiting for @zaCade to come in with shitstorm*
I can just totally agree with ghox. Exactly what I was thinking about failnades.

Don't change anything. It is good as it is.

Edit: Btw ghox. Nice collection u have there.:3
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