So because I'm starting to have some trouble tracking what the fuck I need to fix / people want, that now you can just post here so I wont forget. I'll try to keep this as updated as I can and give feedback as much as I can. This diverts from the map and event suggestions as this is NOT a place to request adding maps or events (for that visit here ), but rather, requesting or suggestion light map changes or server features.
(list currently not maintained)
; Not addressed:
; Awaiting a fix:
So because I'm starting to have some trouble tracking what the fuck I need to fix / people want, that now you can just post here so I wont forget. I'll try to keep this as updated as I can and give feedback as much as I can. This diverts from the map and event suggestions as this is NOT a place to request adding maps or events (for that visit here ), but rather, requesting or suggestion light map changes or server features.
(list currently not maintained)

- mg_citadel_escape_course_final
- Fix a movelinear that flips direction
- Disable the puke inducing tube
- Fix a movelinear that flips direction
- mg_dinks_course_finall
- Remove start door
- Remove kill button
- Remove start door
- mg_double_course_final
- Speed up the level start
- Fix the water pit HP button
- Bump up the lasers damage
- Open up the second part of the map
- Reset times
- Speed up the level start
- mg_jacs_multigames_rfix
- Add autorespawn during spawn fase
- Add autorespawn during spawn fase
- mg_n64_goldeneye_v2
- Add autorespawn during spawn fase
- Add autorespawn during spawn fase
- mg_nimafa_2_final_fix_css
- Remove ending global killer
- Remove ending global killer
- mg_school_course_b2
- Remove vent RNG
- Remove vent RNG
- mg_warmcup_headshot
- Bad Cliping on Dust Level
- Replaced the version with mg_warmcup_headshot1, which seems to improve on the issue
- Bad Cliping on Dust Level
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