LosMight's Admin Application

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New User
Mar 29, 2023

nickname: LosMight
Age: 25
Steam-ID: STEAM_0:1:46516874
Applicant server: ZR
current activity: 6-9 Hours

2. (Why do you want to become an administrator?)

since i like to help others and want to support this community, keep the server clean and be able to help other players at any time as an administrator i have the opportunity to help
other players achieve their wants and needs or manage to work together and thus achieve that the servers will be even more successful

3. (What previous experiences do you have and other things that would help us to have you as an admin ?)

I was a soldier for 4 years and I can peacefully resolve this conflict between people who may be arguing on the server and I always keep calm when things get dicey

4. (Can you play late at night?)

i can be present at any time, no matter morning, noon or evening, if there are circumstances, i can be there 7-8 hours from night to early morning

5. (Imagine you are an advanced admin, suspecting a player of blowing up the server rules or intentionally breaking the server rules.)

I'm going to take a close look at this player first and record a demo so I can be 100% sure they really are breaking the rules and I'm 100% sure they are breaking the rules. I'm trying to have a conversation with this player, why he did it and see if this player has been noticed before, has he been noticed more often? I will act accordingly or, if necessary, consult with other admins if this player has been noticed 1x, e.g through trolling or regular insults if it was your first time they were just bored and showed regret or responded politely after the conversation. I would rarely assess the situation or chat with other admins and keep an eye on this player

6 (.Other things and/or last words.)

Of course I would be very happy to be part of your team and to support you and to help other players together and to keep the servers clean and a small note unfortunately I don't speak English, only German but I can write English :)
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schönen abend und danke für die applikation. Es ist etwas untraditionell sie in anderen sprachen als englisch zu schreiben aber wir werden es intern durch diskutieren und dir im laufe von diesem wochenende oder anfang nächster woche bescheid geben.
Ik kan jammer genoeg geen Duits, dus ik besluit mijn commentaar in het Nederlands te schrijven en hoop ik in de buurt van Duits te komen. Ik vroeg me af of u al eerder een Administrator was voor andere Communities. Niet dat het voor mij uitmaakt, maar ik ben benieuwd of uw ervaring als veteraan u heeft geholpen met conflicten in game servers. Daarnaast vroeg ik me af hoe goed uw Engelse spreekvaardigheid is. Als Administrator hoef je geen C2 Engels te kunnen, maar je kan wel situaties in de toekomst verwachten waar je Engels zal moeten praten in voice-chat om de Server in controle te houden.
Voor de rest is het een mooi en goed geschreven applicatie en wens ik je veel succes.
The problem is I wrote in English but somehow German came out and yes, back then at Day of Deafeat source I already had admin experience and at the beginning of Counterstrike source
Buona sera,

anche se parlo un po di tedesco, scrivo in italiano perchè lo posso. Come stai applicando per uno server ZR, penso che se scrivi bene in inglese gia è un grande aiuto. Fa um po di sforzo di se communicare in inglese, perchè è la lingua in comune che tutti parliamo. Comunque, buona sorte.
Boas mano.

Escrevo esta mensagem em Português porque é a minha naturalidade e, naturalmente, sou natural nela. É só para avisar que da próxima vez que vieres a este fórum é melhor escrever em Inglês porque a UNLOZE é logicamente uma comunidade europeia porém a lingua principal falada e/ou escrita é o Inglês. Visto que não percebo um caralho do que tu disseste e também não me aborreço ao ir ao tradutor vou deixar os meus colegas avaliarem a tua suposta candidatura.

De resto, boa sorte e vê se cumpres esta "regra". Porta-te.
للأسف كندوي بالألمانية ولكن خاصني نجاوب حتا أنت بلغتي باش يكون تفاهم، حاجا مزيانة أنك متاح وعندك الوقت باش تلعب و كتقدر تحل المشاكل بين الأفراد، معرفتش واش قريتي بلي راه ماشي ضروري تكون الإنجليزية ديالك واعرة، خصك غير تكون قادر تفهم وتجاوب على الإشكاليات, نتمنى ليك حظ سعيد أ صديقي
lion_1f981.png السبع كنشوفك ×​
@LosMight on a serious note, if you could rewrite your application in English we would be very appreciated. Try to see if you have auto-translator on or some Google Extension that modifies text.
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Добрый день,

Прошу прощения за длительный ответ. Казахстанский офис ОАО "АНЛУЗ Интернешнл Аутизм Дистрибьюшн Компани" благодарит Вас за проявленный интерес к вакансии Младшего администратора. Мы ознакомились с Вашим резюме и рады сообщить, что Ваша кандидатура вызвала у нас интерес. Наша команда Старших администраторов внимательно рассмотрит Вашу заявку и вынесет решение в ближайшее время! Иными словами, мы вам перезвоним.

С уважением,
Том, Старший младший администратор

Қайырлы күн,

Ұзақ жауап үшін кешірім сұраймын. «UNLOZE International Lifeblood of Zombie Escape Distribution Company» АҚ Қазақстандағы өкілдігі кіші әкімші бос орнына қызығушылық танытқаныңыз үшін алғысын білдіреді. Біз сіздің түйіндемеңізді қарап шықтық және сіздің кандидатураңыз бізді қызықтырды деп қуана хабарлаймыз. Біздің аға әкімшілер тобы өтінішіңізді мұқият қарап, мүмкіндігінше тезірек шешім қабылдайды! Басқаша айтқанда, біз сізге қайта қоңырау шаламыз.

Том, аға кіші әкімші
Добрый день,

Прошу прощения за длительный ответ. Российский офис ОАО "АНЛУЗ Интернешнл Аутизм Дистрибьюшн Компани РУС "* благодарит Вас за проявленный интерес к вакансии Младшего администратора. Мы ознакомились с Вашим резюме и рады сообщить, что Ваша кандидатура вызвала у нас интерес. Наша команда Старших администраторов внимательно рассмотрит Вашу заявку и вынесет решение в ближайшее время! Иными словами, мы вам перезвоним.

С уважением,
Киллик, Бывший администратор, консультант

Компания признана экстремистской на территории РФ
Bonjour, je n'ai rien compris à l'application ne parlant pas moi même ce langage de singe.

Mais je voudrais simplement dire que unloze manque d'admin, moi même ayant été disponible pendant des années et toujours rejeter pour des raisons absurde

J'espère que tu deviendra admin mon ami et je te donne ma voix pour le devenir
I have to say this that after Jenz and Kip everyone else are CRINGE AF
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Hello there.

After talking between the higher-ups, we decided to give you a chance. Reach me out on Discord so we can have a talk (ping Rippër#0666)

Your application has been Accepted.

The UNLOZE Staff
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