Kip's Bizarre ̶A̶d̶v̶e̶n̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ Application

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Parttime HikiNEET
Veteran Admin
Dec 8, 2016
1. General Information.
Write some general information so we can get in touch with you easily. Do them in the following order:

-Nickname: More commonly known as Kip
-Age: 18
-Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:83858058
-Server(s) you are applying for: Zombie Escape
-Current Activity: Almost every day, especially in the late morning and evening

Why do you want to be an admin?
Tell us what drives you to join our admin team and help us manage this community.

One of the few games I always go back to playing is CSS: Zombie Escape. I have been playing on Unloze for quite a while now and I don’t plan on leaving soon either. This is mainly because I like how you can have both serious and fun moments in this game compared to competitive games like Valorant or CS:GO which I used to play a lot. I still enjoy playing on the servers and I appreciate being part of the community. Lately however I’ve noticed that the admin activity on the servers, outside of events, isn’t as visible as how it used to be and some admins even resigned. Completely understandable as everyone has a life outside of ZE, but it still means that there are times where there are only a few admins on a near-full server or no admins at all when the server is half-full. I’ve always wanted to contribute to the community and with the amount of free time I recently acquired due to recent national politics, I will be most of the time available to help out.

What past experience do you have and other things that would benefit us having you as an admin?
List all the past duties you have done in any community and what kind of skills/knowledge do you have.

I have never been an admin for a community/server as big as Unloze before, but you have to start somewhere. Experience develops over time. Knowing what decisions I should make or how I should handle certain occurrences will only develop by playing the game and by learning from the current admin team. All of which I'm willing to do so.

Can you play during late hours?
Do you have the possibility to play during late hours (past 1-2am) and very early (before 7am). Explain why and give us some details about how you could manage the server around these hours by yourself.

Most of the time I cannot play during late hours, sorry. I feel like my neurons won’t get as easily activated when I play late at night compared to when I play during the day. I do however tend to wake up early. This means that I can easily hop onto the server in the morning if needed.

Imagine you as a brand new admin, suspect a player to inflate or break the server rules on purpose.
Explain to us how do you approach the situation. Add any details that seem important to you.

If I literally see the player break a rule with my own eyes, I would encounter the player and point out what he or she did wrong followed by a warning that there will be a punishment if he or she would break said rule again. If the warning wasn’t enough for the player to stop, I’ll either mute, kick or ban the player depending on what rule got broken again. The length will depend on its severity and how many times the player got banned before for breaking the same rule within a certain period.
If I am not really sure or have my doubts when players point fingers to others, then I would keep an eye on the player or check the demo later.

Other stuff and/or last words.
Type here anything else you have in mind and finish your application in style!

I can imagine that not many people know me other than the few lads I occasionally talk to on the Discord server. That’s mainly because I usually just enjoy the game by keeping things to myself and not use voice chat in-game. I however still did manage to become real close friends with a few players within this community and I’m grateful I did. I like to thank those friends and other amazing players from this community for bringing me great joy while playing on the server all these years. That’s all and thanks for reading my application!
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need i say more kip

need i say more
Don't worry Iggle. That message was sent during a time where I slept very late, so I had to skip breakfast to still get a decent amount of sleep. Fortunately, I've been sleeping well these days by going to bed earlier. Since then, starting the day with breakfast in the morning is something I can never give up on. :wlenny:
I don't usually like to write in applications what I think of them, but Kip has been around for years and is really friendly member of this community. I would like to see him as admin and think he would do well.
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