Event #367 || Nomination Thread

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Mar 31, 2019
Event #367 || Nomination Thread
Keep in mind the following guidelines:
  • You can nominate either a single map or a fitting group of maps, provided that they do not have a senselessly long duration (obviously depending on the number of maps you are nominating).
  • Map(s) should be difficult and event-worthy in some way.
  • Type the full name of the map(s) with its specific version
  • You may come up with some restrictions or changes for the map(s) (for example no items).
  • Be creative, the more unique event the better.
  • At least 4 likes are required for a nomination to be considered.
  • Only the top 5 will be selected for the poll. If there are no top 5, Event Managers will have to be selective.
  • Event Managers can alter/edit/modify/remove a nomination if they consider it not event-worthy.

You may nominate up until Tuesday 31/01/23 22:59 GMT+0 // 23:59 CET server time
This is the Event Nomination Thread for next week's Event

Maps that are currently on cooldown (you can not nominate them):
- ze_bastion2_nav72
- ze_squidzer_final_v3_a
- ze_colorlicouspilar_fix
- ze_opti_variety_missions_p1
- ze_lotr_mines_of_moria_v6_3testfix
- ze_lotr_helms_deep_v5
- ze_lotr_mount_doom_v4_2
- ze_minecraft_adventure_v1_2c
- ze_terraria_v3_2

CS:S ZE Map List, so you can get some idea of your own Custom Event!
Be creative, the more unique an event is the better.
"Fortuity on every turn"
  • ze_radiance_v1_1
  • ze_randomizer_c1s4
Special Kickers:
- On "ze_radiance" bhop turn off.
- On "ze_randomizer" need to win 100%. On 25% (Laser stage) and 50% (Beat Saber) available checkpoint's (for example, if you won 50% (Beat Saber) and in next time you losed on 65% then beginning of the next round goes on 50%).

kickers: Start from extreme on mako. then 2 tries at hellz, zed, and 1 try at zm and race
on westersand we start at godmode then once beaten do vote for 1 more round of god or rtv
paranoid to be played for 60 minutes. Vuvu cd is 4 rounds instead of 2.
on deadcore we play the full map. Since it is the last map once d stage beaten once, set timelimit to 20 minutes for redcore

Mako ex2: 3 days
mako ex3: 2 days
zm and race: 1 day
wester: 3 days for god mode
paranoid: 1 day for every round won, 3 days for solo
deadcore d : 3 days
redcore: 4 days
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