Don't forget to join the CS:S Zombie Escape Server on Saturday the 27th of March 2021.
The hour will be 5 pm GMT+0.
You can convert to your own timezone by using one of these websites: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ or https://time.is/
The Event will be scheduled on the Steam group too, which automatically scales in your own timezone.
You can also follow the countdown on the forum, based on GMT+0.
How will the event be?
We will play the following maps in this order :
Special kickers:
Hellz settings on Exorath
Sonaki settings on Frozentemple
pF settings on Convoy
In case you wonder what are the settings :
Zombies have more speed than usual, reduced knockback, 1.0 jump height, 3 seconds burn duration from nades and more HP and regen
VIP and MotherZombies are even more faster, 1.05 jump height, no burn duration from nades and even more HP and regen
Normal Humans have 125hp, 1.0 jump height and falldamage
VIP Humans have 200hp, hp regen (10 hp every 5 seconds), slightly faster than normal Humans, 1.05 jump height and no falldamage
Unlimited ammo for Humans
Rebuys are free when you are outside a buyzone
VIP and MotherZombies are even more faster, 1.05 jump height, no burn duration from nades and even more HP and regen
Normal Humans have 125hp, 1.0 jump height and falldamage
VIP Humans have 200hp, hp regen (10 hp every 5 seconds), slightly faster than normal Humans, 1.05 jump height and no falldamage
Unlimited ammo for Humans
Rebuys are free when you are outside a buyzone
Zombies have less knockback and same HP settings as usual
Rebuys are disabled except for nades which cost 5000$
Push nades instead of fire nades
Higher air acceleration
Bhop disabled
Falldamage enabled
Limited ammo (2000)
100hp for Humans
1.0 jump height
16000$ at roundstart and you get money for shooting Zombies
Rebuys are disabled except for nades which cost 5000$
Push nades instead of fire nades
Higher air acceleration
Bhop disabled
Falldamage enabled
Limited ammo (2000)
100hp for Humans
1.0 jump height
16000$ at roundstart and you get money for shooting Zombies
Zombies have slightly more knockback and reduced HP and regen
Rebuys disabled
Falldamage enabled
Limited ammo (900)
100hp for Humans
1.0 jump height
12000$ at roundstart
Rebuys disabled
Falldamage enabled
Limited ammo (900)
100hp for Humans
1.0 jump height
12000$ at roundstart
Important: Since this might be a long event, server rules will be enforced more strictly. Too much off-topic mic conversations or other attempts to disrupt the leading or the event will be handled directly with a punishment potentially lasting the entire event.
About winners?
4 days VIP for winning a map
You can download the maps in the TL;DR.
Server : CS:S Zombie Escape
Server IP :
Maps :
- ze_destruction_of_exorath_re2
- ze_frozentemple_b8_2
- ze_journey_v1_2
- ze_ut2004_convoy_v2_2_1
Special kickers :
- Hellz settings on Exorath
- Sonaki settings on Frozentemple
- pF settings on Convoy
Date : 27/03/2021
Time : 5 pm GMT+0 // 6 pm GMT+1 // 7 pm GMT+2
Leader : Any willing one
Rewards : 4 days VIP for winning a map
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