Event #272 || Poll
Nominations are OVER! Now it's time to vote!
You have until Thursday 25/02/21 23:59 GMT+0 to choose your favourite Event.
The most voted nomination will be set as the next Event.
"The ultimate meme escape" (by Fereloz)
- ze_johnny_nukem_b8_3
- ze_memehell_test3
- ze_ponchermonkey_shooter_v3_5
TMP, P90, M249 and M4 only
"Wake up for fiendlord" (by ACKNESS)
- ze_astral_s2
- ze_industrial_dejavu_v3_3_1
- ze_taboo_carnation_v2
- ze_fiendlordkeep_v4_2
No nades on Astral
Humans spawn with 5000$ on Dejavu
P90, TMP and MP5 only on Taboo
"CSS maps but CSGO versions smh" (by Alcolo Oasis)
- ze_stalkermonolit_v7css1fix
- ze_eternal_journey_css_v1_4t8
"Hard Kickers for Old maps event" (by vinto)
- ze_totemo_roka_b5s
- ze_kraznov_poopata
- ze_legoland_crackheads_v2
- ze_thousands_steps_b7c
On Totemo, AWP unresctricted, failnades and everyone is drugged
On Kraznov, failnades
On Legoland, falldamage, AK only and items disabled
On Thousand Steps, faster zombies and everyone is drugged
"The Chinese Bootleg Collection" (by 4Echo)
- ze_lotr_minas_tiret_v4_1
- ze_alien_shooter_v7
- ze_cyberderp_v1_4
- ze_potc_iv_v6_1
- ze_hobbit_escape_b2
Failnades and 340 ZM speed