
Veteran Admin
Oct 31, 2016
United Arab Emirates
Yea, it'll be on Monday this time :feelstardman:
You have to take your useless team and go attack a castle in bum fuck Ireland. Our liaison, @Wolf Rayet, is trapped by zombies there and needs our help.

Event Information
Don't forget to join the Zombie Riot Server on Monday the 7th of September
The hour will be 5 pm GMT+0
The Event will be scheduled and notified on the Steam group too.
(If a mistake is done with the Steam group event scheduling, keep this hour as the real one)

You can also follow the countdown on the forum.
TL;DR is at the end. You can download the maps in the TL;DR.

How will the event go?
We will be playing the map:

Shotguns are disabled
Players will earn double RPG XP during the event

About Winners?
Top 3 killers will be rewarded with 10 days VIP + 70 RPG points + 300 store credits.
Players who will have more than 50 kills at the end of the map ( at the end of day 11) will be rewarded with 40 RPG points + 100 store credits.
Server: CS:S Zombie Riot
Server IP:
Map: zr_cbble_v1
Date: 7/9/2020
Time: 5 pm GMT+0 // 6 pm GMT+1 // 7 pm GMT+2
Prize: From 40 RPG points + 100 store credits to 10 days of VIP + 70 RPG points + 300 store credits.
Unfortunately this event had to be ended abruptly due to everyone getting disconnected from the server with a buffer overflow message. As this happened in the middle of the event, nobody had screenshots as to who was top 3 or who had 50+ kills, compensatory rewards have been handed out to everyone that was on the server at the time of the mishap.

Hopefully the next event goes smoothly, and we actually complete it xd.
The Rewards were changed to 4 days of VIP + 30 RPG credits

(RPG credits have NOT been handed out yet)
(Players with gray names have been given rewards)

Event Participants with forum accounts

kONY --- 4 days VIP + 30 RPG credits
Fluffball --- 4 days VIP + 30 RPG credits
!-ZRampagewarriorZ-! --- 4 days VIP + 30 RPG credits
RapToR --- 4 days VIP + 30 RPG credits
Wolf Rayet --- Permanent VIP
u egg --- 4 days VIP + 30 RPG credits
Bl@ke --- 4 days VIP + 30 RPG credits
Jasperic --- 4 days VIP + 30 RPG credits
Kriesley --- 4 days VIP + 30 RPG credits
Rijst met Kip --- 4 days VIP + 30 RPG credits
TheSilentBang --- 4 days VIP + 30 RPG credits

Event Participants without forum accounts
(If you are on this list and want your VIP, pm me, message an admin on discord or comment below)

SoldSteel Hypo eut.
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