Event #207 || Poll
Nominations are OVER! Now it's time to vote!
You have until Thursday 27/02/20 23:59 GMT+0 to choose your favourite Event.
The most voted nomination will be set as the next Event.
Since only 3 nominations have been considered, I put 2 nominations from previous polls that were the second most voted.
"Save the world!" (by ShadowCreepy)
- ze_last_man_standing_v5_1
All the stages must be completed
Only teamwin is accepted on extreme 5
"What is this nomlist?!" (by Raptorken)
- ze_jungle_escape_v1_2
- ze_sandstorm_f1
- ze_astral_s2
- ze_ten_keys_b2fix
"Sword Art Online" (by Vanster)
- ze_s_a_m_a40_css
"Paranoia on Paranoid" (by willy (wilson))
- ze_paranoid_ultimate_v10_4
- ze_random_v9
- ze_mountain_escape_v5_zy
- ze_paranoid_rezurrection_v11_9
Maps will be played with different server settings
"Sonaki" (by The Q-man)
- ze_mirrors_edge_reborn_v4_3
- ze_surf_outside_s3
- ze_dreamin_v2_3s
Sonaki settings
AWP enabled