Event #204 || Nomination Thread

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Oct 15, 2016
Event #204 || Nomination Thread
Keep in mind the following guidelines:
  • You can nominate either a single map or a fitting group of maps, provided that they do not have a senseless long duration (obviously depending on the number of maps you are nominating).
  • Map(s) should be difficult and event-worthy in some way.
  • You may come up with some restrictions or changes for the map(s) (for example no items).
  • Be creative, the more unique event the better.
  • At least 4 likes are required for a nomination to be considered.
  • Only the top 5 will be selected for the poll. If there are no top 5, event managers will have to be selective.
  • Event managers can alter/edit/modify/remove a nomination if they consider it not event-worthy.

You may nominate up until Tuesday 28/01/20 11:59pm GMT+0
This is the Event Nomination Thread for the next week's Event.

Maps that are currently on cooldown (you can not nominate them):
- ze_frostdrake_tower_v1s
- ze_got_the_north_b4
- ze_frozentemple_b8_2
- ze_christmas_beta3f
- ze_christmas_infection_v2_3
- ze_santassination_css2
- ze_pandemic_za_empire_v6
- ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v5_3

CS:S ZE Map List, so you can get some idea of your own Custom Event!
Be creative, the more unique event the better.
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Reactions: Raptorken

- ze_frostdrake_tower_v1s
- ze_got_the_north_b4
- ze_frozentemple_b8_2
- ze_christmas_beta3f
- ze_christmas_infection_v2_3
- ze_santassination_css2
- ze_bioshock_v7_1
- ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v5_3

If accepted, don't ban the guys who voted longer then 10 days
Paranoia on Paranoid

ze_paranoid_ultimate_v10_4 (30 mins)
ze_random_v9 (30 mins)
ze_mountain_escape_v5_zy (60 mins)
ze_paranoid_rezurrection_v11_9 (90 mins)


Random Map settings on each, so at the beginning of each maps, or each round if possible, change the settings to a different server, start off with Hellz, maybe go Pf, then i3d, sonaki, etc. just randomize that shit
almost perfect list, but please remove random it is such a shame to be in the same list with mountain and paranoid
soft serve's map combo (which i'll nominate every time until we play it as event)

This exact event has been done several times on several servers. Either way, tis a fun event and best one in the thread so far
ze_tesv_skyrim_v4fix [125]
ze_dreamin_v2_3s [200]
ze_ffxii_westersand_v8_zeta1 [132]

special kicker
I3d settings
But to win you have to finish one of the maps and you have completed all the lvls on a map
good luck
nOt CrEaTiVe EnOuGh EvEnT


Special kickers
Paranoid will be played for atleast an hour with option extends
Minas only armor, horse, dalf, and white knight
Mako item trolling for a solo is allowed and even encouraged.

Paranoid is up to admins if they want to give for team wins, but a solo gives 1 day per solo unless it gets excessive.
Minas 3 days for team win, 5 days for solo
Mako up to admins how much they want to give for team win, for solo its 3 days.
underrated map

ze_s_a_m_a40_css (not sure if this is the exact name)

Special Kickers:
Decide for yourself if you want to have any. I tested the map and i really liked it.

I spent many nomination attempts to make unloze play this map. Together with batata, we lead it to victory. It was fun:


Would be awesome to get a better score than 5-13 tho
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