Nominations are OVER! Now it's time to vote!
You have until Friday 12/07/19 23:59 GMT+0 to choose your favorite Event.
The most voted nomination will be set as the next Event.
"Surfing To Get a Tan" (by Kyoka)
"Don't stop shooting!" (by Bane)
"Enter The Nightmare" (by Vinto)
- No rebuy on doom3
- Only for Cyberderp (i don't know if it's possible) = randomly assign one "class" to an amount of players. Like if we are 64 in the event, randomly take 30 players with 1 type of weapon, 30 others with another weapon, and 4 players with a sniper (or a sg5 or whatever)
4 classes : Sniper (like the name say a snip + Deaggle), Mercenary (M4,Famas, AK and P90), Miner (shotgun and more nades to balance the low ammo) + The commander (The leader = Vip you have to protect, if he die the round is failed)
All of this to have an homogeneous weapon number and more variety in the fight and cover.
"nOt CrEaTiVe EnOuGh EvEnT" (by Sinagrida)
Paranoid will be played for at least an hour with option extends
Minas only armor, horse, dalf, and white knight
Mako item trolling for a solo is allowed and even encouraged.
"What is this, an event for ants!?" (by egg)
- Zombies are 10% smaller and faster. (up to event managers discretion)
- Humans only have access to SMGs, because tiny humans cannot handle high recoil of big rifles (This kicker can be dropped if you want tbf).
-Egg has infinite ammo, autosniper, and wins permavip even if he doesn't show up (ZeGaWa : I Keep this for the lulz)
You have until Friday 12/07/19 23:59 GMT+0 to choose your favorite Event.
The most voted nomination will be set as the next Event.
"Surfing To Get a Tan" (by Kyoka)
- ze_surf_froyo_css3
"Don't stop shooting!" (by Bane)
- ze_paper_escaper_v7_1
- ze_tyranny_v5fix
- ze_totemo_roka_b5s
- ze_ffxii_paramina_rift_v1_4
- ze_frostdrake_tower_v1s
"Enter The Nightmare" (by Vinto)
- ze_nightmare_dimension_v2_6fix
- ze_doom3_v1
- ze_cyberderp_v1_4
- No rebuy on doom3
- Only for Cyberderp (i don't know if it's possible) = randomly assign one "class" to an amount of players. Like if we are 64 in the event, randomly take 30 players with 1 type of weapon, 30 others with another weapon, and 4 players with a sniper (or a sg5 or whatever)
4 classes : Sniper (like the name say a snip + Deaggle), Mercenary (M4,Famas, AK and P90), Miner (shotgun and more nades to balance the low ammo) + The commander (The leader = Vip you have to protect, if he die the round is failed)
All of this to have an homogeneous weapon number and more variety in the fight and cover.
"nOt CrEaTiVe EnOuGh EvEnT" (by Sinagrida)
- ze_paranoid_rezurrection_v11_9
- ze_lotr_minas_tirith_v3_3
- ze_ffvii_mako_reactor_v5_3
Paranoid will be played for at least an hour with option extends
Minas only armor, horse, dalf, and white knight
Mako item trolling for a solo is allowed and even encouraged.
"What is this, an event for ants!?" (by egg)
- ze_madness_v2_1
- ze_bathroom_v2_5s
- ze_otakuroom_v5_6fs
- ze_antfarm_2vs the fuck is this map lulz
- ze_ffxiv_wanderers_palace_v4_5s
- Zombies are 10% smaller and faster. (up to event managers discretion)
- Humans only have access to SMGs, because tiny humans cannot handle high recoil of big rifles (This kicker can be dropped if you want tbf).