4 years... A lot of stuff happened between the first day of Unloze and today. Jenz and his inseperable weed, Dejade, Kaka and Zegawa have watched hundreds anime episodes, Tom is still doing his drug rehabilitation for vodka, Meep has fucked 1460 times, Nostar has celebrated his birthday 1460 times, Glacius is still dreaming to ride a frosty dragon, yoshmi is VIP since 2 years without spending any single €, Kabz0r has moved to Qing, encapsulation hasn't said anything yet on the chat, Rocklee still wants to solo shroom2, Vortex has created his own harmonica group with Egg and William, Batata is now lennying, Loones' hair and beard have grown of 50cm, Dazhkar has failed to turn Moltard into a weeb, SilentBang has contributed to Lifeblood of Zombie Escape by providing some dank sounds, Bird has became a fireman by working on the firewall, Zuff has made a countless number of abuses, Ostkandidat is secretly setting up a process to compete with the biggest cheese companies, HumanZz is waiting admins to kick spectators...
The list can be long

On a more serious note, to celebrate the 4th anniversary of this community, we will play some maps made by current/former Unloze admins.
Don't forget to join the CS:S Zombie Escape Server Saturday the 15th of June 2019 and Sunday the 16th of June 2019.
The hour will be 4pm GMT+0.
The Event will be scheduled on the Steam group too.
(If a mistake is done with the Steam group event, keep this hour as the real one)
You can also follow the countdown on the forum.
How will the event be?
We will play the following maps in this order.
On Saturday :
Special Kickers
Frozentemple : no nades
Shroom3 : 2 uses per item
On Sunday :
Important: Since this might be a long event, server rules will be enforced more strictly. Too much off-topic mic conversations or other attempts to disrupt the leading or the event will be handled directly with a punishment potentially lasting the entire event.
About winners?
Winning 3 maps will reward you with 6 days VIP
Winning 5 maps will reward you with 10 days VIP
Winning 7 maps will reward you with 14 days VIP
Winning 8 maps will reward you with 18 days VIP
Winning all the 9 maps will reward you with 21 days VIP
You can download the maps in the TL;DR.
Server : CS:S Zombie Escape
Server IP :
Maps (Part 1) :
- ze_ancient_wrath_v1_fix2
- ze_assassins_creed_v1
- ze_frozentemple_b8_2
- ze_shroomforest3_b6_2
Date : 15/06/2019
Time : 4 pm GMT+0 // 5 pm GMT+1 // 6 pm GMT+2
Maps (Part 2) :
- ze_hsc_a4_5
- ze_jungle_escape_v1_2
- ze_boat_escape_jenz_v2_5a
- ze_grey_b2_4
- ze_super_mario_64_v2_b9
Date : 16/06/2019
Time : 4 pm GMT+0 // 5 pm GMT+1 // 6 pm GMT+2
Leader : Any willing one
Prize : from 6 to 21 days VIP, depending on how many maps you win