Event #156 || Tie-Breaker Poll
Main Poll is OVER! It ended with a tie! Now it's time to make the difference.
You have until Friday 29/03/19 23:59 GMT+0 to choose your favourite Event.
The most voted nomination will be set as the next Event.
"1 like = 1 pray" (by Sinagrida)
- ze_random_escape_b7_3
- ze_mirrors_edge_reborn_v4_3
- ze_isla_nublar_v2_1
- ze_crashbandicoot_v1fix
- ze_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_v5_3
- ze_Paranoid_Rezurrection_v11_9
Random Escape: Failnades + AWP
Mako: bhop disabled and Falldamage on (with all the special modes)
Paranoid: 30 min duration
Fiendlordkeep (by William! :D)
- ze_fiendlordkeep_v4_2
- (+ eventually ze_bisounours_party_v1_1 with William's agreement if we win Fiendlordkeep fast enough)