Event #144 || Poll
Nominations are OVER! Now it's time to vote!
You have until Thursday 17/01/19 22:59 GMT+0 to choose your favourite Event.
The most voted nomination will be set as the next Event.
Nominations have been taken from this nomination thread.
Due to the unusual amount of nominations with the same amount of likes, we had to be a bit selective in our choices.
"Pray for good RNG" (by Alcolo)
- ze_temple_raider_b4
- ze_starwars_v2fix
- ze_slender_escape_b4
"Bring hard events back" (by Crystal)
- ze_FFXIV_Wanderers_Palace_v5_2f
- ze_dark_souls_ptd_v0_4
"Can’t get enough Zombies" (by D()G@N)
- ze_antartika_b2
- ze_predator_ultimate_v3
"The forgotten ones" (by Chivas)
- ze_johnny_nukem_b8_1
- ze_avalanche_reboot_beta7
- ze_games_v2_2a
- ze_lazers_v2_3
- ze_mirrors_edge_reborn_v4_3
- ze_random_v10_fix
- ze_skill_escape_v09s
- ze_sky_athletic_v5_final
Strictly limited attempts at each map (once people have been given time to join ofc). The event is a 'trials' event so it needs to feel like a pass/fail situation.