Event #139 || Poll
Nominations are OVER! Now it's time to vote!You have until Thursday 29/11/18 23:59 GMT+0 to choose your favourite Event.
The most voted nomination will be set as the next Event.
"For William... plz" (by William)
- ze_S_A_M_a40_css
- ze_fapescape_rote_v1_3f
"Struppi's Magnum Opus" (by Géovanni)
- ze_ancient_wrath_v2_test27
Ancient Wrath v2: PF Settings, Assault Rifles only (g3, sg550 and awp only on the first 2 stages)
"Long Run Map" (by Rain)
- ze_last_man_standing_v4_2
SMG Only.
"We are all monkeys" (by Vinto)
- ze_jungle_escape_v1_2
- ze_venice_escape_b2
- ze_PoncherMonkey_shooter_v3_5
Low grav enabled on Venice
For the whole event, humans will have a monkey skin and zombies a banana skin