
DarkerZ [RUS]

Jul 17, 2019
Hello to all.
I know that the new version of the entwatch 4 is incompatible with the old 3.

Could you post a template.txt for a new entwatch and if some mods or obscure meanings are added to explain them? Perhaps due to compatibility with cs go write a list of colors? Maybe the file name has changed?

This will allow players to comfortably play on new maps, rather than wait for the update of the entwatch cfg.

PS: Sorry for my English
Zuff game me this as the template. It should be clear enough.
        "name"          ""      // The "full" name of the item. (Used in CHAT)
        "short"         ""      // The "short" name of the item. (Used on the HUD)
        "color"         ""      // The HEX color code of the item.
        "filter"        ""      // The targetname maps use for filtering. (Leave empty if none)
        "weaponid"      "0"     // The HammerID of the weapon.
        "buttonid"      "0"     // The HammerID of the button.
        "triggerid"     "0"     // The HammerID of the trigger.
        "display"       "0"     // The Bitflag for displays.
                                // 1 = CHAT.
                                // 2 = USE.
                                // 3 = CHAT & USE.
                                // 4 = HUD.
                                // 5 = CHAT & HUD.
                                // 6 = USE & HUD.
                                // 7 = ALL.
        "slot"          "0"     // The weapon slot.
                                // 0 = None
                                // 1 = Primary
                                // 2 = Secondary
                                // 3 = Knife
                                // 4 = Grenades
        "mode"          "0"     // The mode of the item.
                                // 1 = Cooldown.
                                // 2 = Limited uses.
                                // 3 = Limited uses with cooldown.
                                // 4 = Cooldown after multiple uses.
        "maxuses"       "0"     // The maximum amount of uses.
        "cooldown"      "0"     // The cooldown between uses.
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"triggerid" "0" // The HammerID of the trigger.
it means trigger activator teleport/strip, maybe trigger_multi, somehow interacting with all players(ex. health)? maybe this attachment to the player with SetParentAttachment and this trigger checks if the player is alive?
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it means trigger activator teleport/strip, maybe trigger_multi, somehow interacting with all players(ex. health)? maybe this attachment to the player with SetParentAttachment and this trigger checks if the player is alive?
the triggerid is only used for items that strip the player (knife items).

It prevents ebanned people from touching the trigger.

If your item use no trigger, keep value 0.
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