Command list for Zombie Escape


UNLOZE Founder
Oct 11, 2016
This Thread serves the purpose of automatically listing all available commands on the zombie escape server that are available for normal players, vips and Admins. The Zombie Escape server currently has a total of 502 Commands which are too many for any normal player or admin to remember. This thread hopefully serves the purpose of being a bookmark for finding all commands.
Some commands like listmaps only work in console.

The thread will automatically be updated twice a day to include any new commands that are added on Zombie Escape. Use this thread as the ultimate commands reference (feedback is welcome ofc on how listing content should be done).

Commands for normal players:

!search : example: !search hihi. Finds torchlight commands matching the search arguement
!votedisable : Command for normal players to vote on disabling torchlight for a map
buy : No description found
cl_fullupdate : No description found
coverme : No description found
enemydown : No description found
enemyspot : No description found
fallback : No description found
ff : No description found
followme : No description found
fullupdate : No description found
getinpos : No description found
getout : No description found
go : No description found
hlx_message_prefix_clear : No description found
hlx_sm_browse : No description found
hlx_sm_bulkpsay : No description found
hlx_sm_csay : No description found
hlx_sm_hint : No description found
hlx_sm_msay : No description found
hlx_sm_player_action : No description found
hlx_sm_psay : No description found
hlx_sm_psay2 : No description found
hlx_sm_redirect : No description found
hlx_sm_swap : No description found
hlx_sm_team_action : No description found
hlx_sm_tsay : No description found
hlx_sm_world_action : No description found
holdpos : No description found
inposition : No description found
listmaps : No description found
moan : Emits a moan sound, if the player is a zombie.
motd : No description found
needbackup : No description found
negative : No description found
nextmap : No description found
nightvision : No description found
regroup : No description found
report : No description found
reportingin : No description found
roger : No description found
scream : Emits a scream sound, if the player is a zombie.
sc_fw_block : Blocking player comms by command from sourceban web site
sc_fw_ungag : Ungagging player by command from sourceban web site
sc_fw_unmute : Unmuting player by command from sourceban web site
sectorclear : No description found
sm_0ping : No description found
sm_57 : Fiveseven
sm_admins : Currently online admins.
sm_advertisements_reload : Reload the advertisements
sm_ak : AK47
sm_ambient : Toggle hearing map ambients
sm_aug : AUG
sm_autism : talking to the bot through java application
sm_avghour : Prints in the chat what the current hour average of each player accumulated is.
sm_awp : AWP
sm_bhm : No description found
sm_bhopstatus : sm_bhopstatus [#userid|name]
sm_blame : Blames a player for something going on.
sm_block : No description found
sm_call : No description found
sm_calladmin : No description found
sm_calladmin_handle : No description found
sm_calladmin_reload : No description found
sm_call_handle : No description found
sm_cancelrace : No description found
sm_cf : ChatFilter Settings
sm_chatfilter : ChatFilter Settings
sm_checklag : No description found
sm_clearlevelcache : No description found
sm_cm : Check who you have self-muted
sm_comms : Shows current player communications status
sm_cookies : sm_cookies <name> [value]
sm_currentleader : No description found
sm_currentvip : No description found
sm_deagle : Deagle
sm_dualies : Elite
sm_ebanlist : No description found
sm_elite : Elite
sm_elites : Elite
sm_endrace : No description found
sm_event : Display infos about the next event
sm_events : Display infos about the next event
sm_extends : sm_extends - Shows how many extends are left on the current map.
sm_extendsleft : sm_extendsleft - Shows how many extends are left on the current map.
sm_failnade : Check whether FailNades are enabled or not.
sm_failnades : Check whether FailNades are enabled or not.
sm_famas : Famas
sm_five : Fiveseven
sm_fiveseven : Fiveseven
sm_flash : Flashbang
sm_friends : Currently online friends.
sm_fullupdate : No description found
sm_g3sg1 : G3SG1
sm_galil : Galil
sm_ghost : No description found
sm_glock : Glock
sm_greenlight : No description found
sm_grenade : No description found
sm_grenadeskin : No description found
sm_grenadeskins : No description found
sm_gskin : No description found
sm_gskins : No description found
sm_halloween : Shows the total amount of Pumpkins you have collected so far
sm_he : HEGrenade
sm_help : Displays SourceMod commands and descriptions
sm_hh : Shows if happy hour is currently enabled or not
sm_hide : Hiding near humans
sm_hidetimer : Hides timer HUD
sm_hide_chat : Toggle blocking other players Messages
sm_hide_commands : Toggle blocking Commands
sm_hide_connect_csays : Toggle blocking connect csay messages
sm_hide_lennies : Toggle blocking Lennies
sm_highscore : Shows the Pumpkin HighScore
sm_hitmarker : No description found
sm_hm : No description found
sm_hmsound : No description found
sm_hop : Hop servers.
sm_houravg : Prints in the chat what the current hour average of each player accumulated is.
sm_hs : Hides a players spray
sm_hud : No description found
sm_ignoretime : All racetimer will be ignored for you
sm_ignoretimer : All racetimer will be ignored for you
sm_kev : Kevlar Vest
sm_kevlar : Kevlar Vest
sm_knife : Knife
sm_knifebanlist : Returns the knifebanlist of all clients currently on the server
sm_knifestatus : Returns the knifestatus of a client
sm_lagcomp : No description found
sm_leader : No description found
sm_leaders : No description found
sm_lvl : Turns the Lv. tag feature on or off
sm_m249 : M249
sm_m3 : M3
sm_m4 : M4A1
sm_mac10 : Mac10
sm_makovote : No description found
sm_marknsfw : Marks your spray as NSFW
sm_marksfw : Marks your spray as SFW
sm_mp5 : MP5Navy
sm_music : Toggle hearing map music
sm_mytime : checking your personal time
sm_mzombie : Original + Current Mother Zombies
sm_mzombies : Original + Current Mother Zombies
sm_nade : No description found
sm_nadeskin : No description found
sm_nadeskins : No description found
sm_newplayer : Shows the number of new players
sm_nom : No description found
sm_nominate : No description found
sm_nomlist : No description found
sm_noshake : [NoShake] Disables or enables screen shakes.
sm_nosteam : Shows No-Steam players
sm_nsfw : Opt-in or out of seeing NSFW sprays
sm_nvg : NVGs
sm_p228 : P228
sm_p90 : P90
sm_pingmenu : No description found
sm_playtime : retreives total connection time on all connected servers
sm_printtoadminchat : Discord Integration
sm_printtoallchat : Discord Integration
sm_psm : Mute player by typing !psm [playername] but permanently
sm_pumpkin : Shows the total amount of Pumpkins you have collected so far
sm_pumpkins : Shows the total amount of Pumpkins you have collected so far
sm_redlight : No description found
sm_rehash : Reload SQL admins
sm_resetsafe : No description found
sm_restrictions : No description found
sm_revote : No description found
sm_rtv : No description found
sm_scout : Scout
sm_searchcmd : Searches SourceMod commands
sm_selfextend : Is available when all regular extends are depleted and there is no active admin online. Makes it possible for players to extend the map themselves
sm_servers : Hop servers.
sm_settings : No description found
sm_sg550 : SG550
sm_sg552 : SG552
sm_shake : [NoShake] Disables or enables screen shakes.
sm_sm : Mute player by typing !sm [playername]
sm_sm4 : Toggle M4 Silencer
sm_smcookies : Choose the good cookie
sm_smoke : Smokegrenade
sm_smradio : Toggle Radio Self Mute
sm_smradio_nades : Toggle only Radio 'Fire in the hole' Self Mute
sm_sound : Toggle hearing weapon sounds
sm_spec : Spectate a player.
sm_spectate : Spectate a player.
sm_stackmaster : No description found
sm_stages : Checking race stages
sm_startrace : No description found
sm_state : No description found
sm_status : No description found
sm_steam : Shows No-Steam players
sm_stopambient : Toggle hearing map ambients
sm_stopmusic : Toggle hearing map music
sm_stopsound : Toggle hearing weapon sounds
sm_stuck : Send a request to admins for being stuck
sm_su : Unmute player by typing !su [playername]
sm_suall : Unmute all clients/groups
sm_susp : Toggle USPS Silencer
sm_test : No description found
sm_testvip : Activate free VIP period
sm_tmp : TMP
sm_togglecrown : No description found
sm_toggledialog : No description found
sm_toggleimmunity : No description found
sm_toggleskull : No description found
sm_toplvl : Displays top 100 players with highest level
sm_topplaytime : retreives top 12 playtime highscores on all connected servers
sm_toptime : checking top 10
sm_tp : Toggle thirdperson
sm_ump : UMP45
sm_unrtv : No description found
sm_us : Unhides a players spray
sm_usp : USP
sm_viptest : Activate free VIP period
sm_volume : Change music volume
sm_voteleader : No description found
sm_xm : XM1014
sm_zammo : No description found
sm_zcleanse : No description found
sm_zhm : No description found
sm_zstuck : Send a request to admins for being stuck
sticktog : No description found
stormfront : No description found
takepoint : No description found
takingfire : No description found
uptime : Displays server uptime
zadmin : Opens ZR admin menu.
zclass : Opens class selection menu.
zcookies : Toggle all ZR cookies here.
zhp : Shows real HP as zombie.
zmarket : Opens custom buymenu.
zmenu : Opens ZR's main menu.
zr_antistick_dump_group : Dumps collision group data on one or more players. Usage zr_antistick_dump_group [#userid|name]
zr_class_dump : Dumps class data at a specified index in the specified cache. Usage: zr_class_dump <cachetype> <index|targetname>
zr_class_dump_multipliers : Dumps class attribute multipliers for the specified team. Usage: zr_class_dump_multipliers <"zombies"|"humans">
zr_class_modify : Modify class data on one or more classes. Usage: zr_class_modify <identifier|"zombies"|"humans"|"admins"> <attribute> <value> [is_multiplier]
zr_class_reload : Refreshes the player cache and reloads class attributes on one or more players. Usage: zr_class_reload <target>
zr_class_set_multiplier : Sets the multiplier on a class attribute. Usage: zr_class_set_multiplier <"zombies"|"humans"> <attribute> <value>
zr_config_reload : Reloads a config file. Usage: zr_config_reload <file alias>
zr_config_reloadall : Reloads all config files. Usage: zr_config_reloadall
zr_hitgroup : Toggles or sets if a zombie's hitgroup can be damaged. Usage: zr_hitgroup <hitgroup name> [1/0]
zr_hitgroup_enable_all : Enables all zombie hitgroups to be damaged. Usage: zr_hitgroup_enable_all
zr_hitgroup_headshots_only : Disables all zombie hitgroups but the head. Usage: zr_hitgroup_headshots_only
zr_human : Turn a client into a human. Usage: zr_human <filter> [respawn - 1/0]
zr_infect : Infect a client. Usage: zr_infect <filter> [respawn - 1/0]
zr_log_add_module : Add one or more modules to the module filter. Usage: zr_log_add_module <module> [module] ...
zr_log_list : List available logging flags and modules with their status values.
zr_log_remove_module : Remove one or more modules from the module filter. Usage: zr_log_remove_module <module> [module] ...
zr_restrict : Restricts a weapon or a weapon type. Usage: zr_restrict <weapon|weapon type> [weapon2|weapontype2] ...
zr_unrestrict : Unrestricts a weapon or a weapon type. Usage: zr_unrestrict <weapon|weapon type> [weapon2|weapontype2] ...
zr_version : Prints version info about this plugin.
zr_vol_add : Creates a rectangular volume in the map. Usage: zr_vol_add <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <type> [params]
zr_vol_dumpstates : Dumps volume states for the specified player. Usage: zr_vol_dumpstates <index|targetname>
zr_vol_list : Lists existing volumes in the map, or dumps detail data to the specified volume. Usage: zr_vol_list [volume index]
zr_vol_remove : Removes an existing volume in the map. Usage: zr_vol_remove <volume index>
zr_zspawn_force : Force ZSpawn on a client. Usage: zr_zspawn_force <client> ['0' = Spawn as human | '1' = Spawn as zombie]
zr_ztele_force : Force ZTele on a client. Usage: zr_ztele_force <client>
zshield : Deploy the shield, if available.
zspawn : Spawn into the game after joining late.
ztele : Teleport back to spawn if you are stuck.

Commands for vips players:

sm_chatcolor : Changes the color of your chat text
sm_clearchatcolor : Clears the color from your chat text
sm_clearnamecolor : Clears the color from your name
sm_cleartag : Clears your custom tag
sm_cleartagcolor : Clears the color from your custom tag
sm_cleartextcolor : Clears the color from your chat text
sm_color : Change your players glowcolor. sm_color <RRGGBB HEX | 0-255 0-255 0-255 RGB CODE>
sm_colors : Change your players glowcolor. sm_colors <RRGGBB HEX | 0-255 0-255 0-255 RGB CODE>
sm_colour : Change your players glowcolor. sm_colour <RRGGBB HEX | 0-255 0-255 0-255 RGB CODE>
sm_colours : Change your players glowcolor. sm_colours <RRGGBB HEX | 0-255 0-255 0-255 RGB CODE>
sm_glow : Change your players glowcolor. sm_glow <RRGGBB HEX | 0-255 0-255 0-255 RGB CODE>
sm_glowcolor : Change your players glowcolor. sm_glowcolor <RRGGBB HEX | 0-255 0-255 0-255 RGB CODE>
sm_glowcolors : Change your players glowcolor. sm_glowcolors <RRGGBB HEX | 0-255 0-255 0-255 RGB CODE>
sm_glowcolour : Change your players glowcolor. sm_glowcolour <RRGGBB HEX | 0-255 0-255 0-255 RGB CODE>
sm_glowcolours : Change your players glowcolor. sm_glowcolours <RRGGBB HEX | 0-255 0-255 0-255 RGB CODE>
sm_joinmsg : Sets a custom message which will be shown upon connecting to the server
sm_namecolor : Changes the color of your name
sm_rainbow : Enable rainbow glowcolors. sm_rainbow [frequency]
sm_resetjoinmsg : Resets your custom connect message
sm_showzone : No description found
sm_showzones : No description found
sm_tag : Changes your custom tag
sm_tagcolor : Changes the color of your custom tag
sm_tagmenu : Shows the main "tag & colors" menu
sm_tags : Shows the main "tag & colors" menu
sm_textcolor : Changes the color of your chat text
sm_toggletag : Toggles whether or not your tag and colors show in the chat
sm_vip : Open VIP Menu.

Commands for admins:

mce_reload_maplist : mce_reload_maplist - Reload the Official Maplist file.
sb_reload : Reload sourcebans config and ban reason menu options
smac_status : View the server's player status.
sm_acc : Accepts the current stuck-request
sm_addban : sm_addban <time> <steamid> [reason]
sm_addtolist : Add a player to the whitelist
sm_admin : Displays the admin menu
sm_adminroom : sm_adminroom [#userid|name]
sm_af_remove : No description found
sm_armor : sm_armor <#userid|name> <value>
sm_auth : Retreives the Steam ID of a player
sm_balrog : No description found
sm_ban : sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]
sm_banip : sm_banip <ip|#userid|name> <time> [reason]
sm_banspray : Ban a clients spray from being sprayed (Note: This will not spray-ban the client, it will only ban the spray which they are currently using)
sm_beacon : sm_beacon <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_bhop : sm_bhop <#userid|name> <0|1>
sm_blind : sm_blind <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset.
sm_botrtv : making bots rtv
sm_break : No description found
sm_bring : Brings a client to your position.
sm_burn : sm_burn <#userid|name> [time]
sm_buyzone : sm_buyzone <#userid|name> <0|1>
sm_cancelbreak : No description found
sm_cancelvote : sm_cancelvote
sm_cash : sm_cash <#userid|name> <value>
sm_cccban : Bans a user from changing his custom tag, tag color, name color and chat text color
sm_cccreset : Resets a users custom tag, tag color, name color and chat text color
sm_cccunban : Unbans a user and allows for change of his tag, tag color, name color and chat text color
sm_chat : sm_chat <message> - sends message to admins
sm_checkadmins : Check if there are any active Admins online or not.
sm_cleantime : No description found
sm_csay : sm_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players
sm_cvar : sm_cvar <cvar> [value]
sm_debug : Start / stop the valve profiler
sm_debugfakes : Shows the amount of fake-clients on server
sm_debugfhm : No description found
sm_debuglaser : No description found
sm_debugnosteam : Retreives the amount of No-Steam players
sm_debugrtv : Check the current RTV calculation
sm_debugtorch : Check who has permanently self-muted Torch
sm_debugvprof : Start / stop the valve profiler
sm_deny : Denies the current stuck-request
sm_disablertv : Disable the RTV command
sm_displaylist : View current whitelist
sm_drug : sm_drug <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_dsay : sm_dsay <message> - sends hud message to all players
sm_earth : No description found
sm_eban : No description found
sm_enablertv : Enable the RTV command
sm_ereload : No description found
sm_etransfer : No description found
sm_eunban : No description found
sm_execcfg : sm_execcfg <filename>
sm_extend : Add more time to mp_timelimit
sm_extendvote : sm_extendvote [time] - Start an extendvote
sm_extend_frags : Add more frags to mp_fraglimit
sm_extend_rounds : Add more rounds to mp_maxrounds
sm_extend_time : Add more time to mp_timelimit
sm_extend_vote : sm_extend_vote [time] - Start an extendvote
sm_extend_wins : Add more wins to mp_winlimit
sm_fakecommand : sm_fakecommand <#userid|name> [command] [args]
sm_fakes : Shows the fake-clients on server
sm_fcvar : sm_fcvar <#userid|name> <cvar> <value>
sm_firebomb : sm_firebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_forcehh : Toggle to enable/disable Happy Hour. Resets after Mapswitch.
sm_forceinput : No description found
sm_forceinputplayer : No description found
sm_forceleader : No description found
sm_forcenamecolor : Forcefully changes a clients name color
sm_forcensfw : Forces a spray to be marked NSFW
sm_forcertv : Force an RTV vote
sm_forcesfw : Forces a spray to be marked SFW
sm_forcetag : Forcefully changes a clients custom tag
sm_forcetagcolor : Forcefully changes a clients custom tag color
sm_forcetextcolor : Forcefully changes a clients chat text color
sm_freeze : sm_freeze <#userid|name> [time]
sm_freezebomb : sm_freezebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_fsm : Randomly chooses another alive human as Stack Master (putting a target force picks your target)
sm_fsm2 : Randomly chooses another alive human as 2nd Stack Master (putting a target force picks your target)
sm_gag : sm_gag <player> - Removes a player's ability to use chat.
sm_getrawtime : Retreives the raw time of the server
sm_give : sm_give <#userid|name> <name> [clip] [ammo]
sm_godelites : No description found
sm_goto : Teleport to a client.
sm_gravity : sm_gravity <#userid|name> [amount] - Leave amount off to reset. Amount is 0.0 through 5.0
sm_health : sm_health <#userid|name> <value>
sm_hp : sm_hp <#userid|name> <value>
sm_hsay : sm_hsay <message> - sends hint message to all players
sm_humandog : No description found
sm_iammo : sm_iammo <#userid|name> <0|1>
sm_info : sm_info [target]
sm_jumper : No description found
sm_kick : sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]
sm_knifeban : Knifebans a client
sm_kniferevert : Undoes the damage caused by a zombie after being knifed forward
sm_knifeunban : Knifeunbans a client
sm_kr : Undoes the damage caused by a zombie after being knifed forward
sm_lag : No description found
sm_lagged : sm_lagged
sm_laser : No description found
sm_level : Set a players map level.
sm_listbans : sm_listbans <#userid|name> - Lists a user's prior bans from Sourcebans
sm_listcomms : sm_listcomms <#userid|name> - Lists a user's prior comms from Sourcebans
sm_listwinners : No description found
sm_map : sm_map <map>
sm_maphistory : Shows the most recent maps played
sm_mapvote : sm_mapvote - Forces MapChooser to attempt to run a map vote now.
sm_marquee : Sends a marquee text panel to the target. Usage: sm_marquee <#userid|steamid|name> TEXT
sm_meteors : No description found
sm_mimic : Opens the bot mimic menu
sm_modelscale : sm_modelscale <#userid|name> <scale>
sm_mom_prof : Profiles performance of some expensive parts. Mainly for debugging.
sm_msay : sm_msay <message> - sends message as a menu panel
sm_mute : sm_mute <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice.
sm_noclip : sm_noclip <#userid|name>
sm_nominate_addmap : sm_nominate_addmap <mapname> - Forces a map to be on the next mapvote.
sm_nominate_exclude : sm_nominate_exclude <mapname> [cooldown] [mode]- Forces a map to be inserted into the recently played maps. Effectively blocking the map from being nominated.
sm_nominate_exclude_time : sm_nominate_exclude_time <mapname> [cooldown] [mode] - Forces a map to be inserted into the recently played maps. Effectively blocking the map from being nominated.
sm_nominate_removemap : sm_nominate_removemap <mapname> - Removes a map from Nominations.
sm_play : sm_play <#userid|name> <filename>
sm_precachesound : sm_precachesound <soundpath>
sm_propspawner : No description found
sm_psay : sm_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message
sm_querycvar : sm_querycvar <#userid|name> [cvar]
sm_racebhop : No description found
sm_randomvip : Randomly chooses another alive humans as VIP
sm_rcon : sm_rcon <args>
sm_record : Starts a SourceTV demo
sm_reloadadmins : sm_reloadadmins
sm_reloadccc : Reloads Custom Chat Colors config file
sm_reloadleaders : No description found
sm_reloadlist : Reload the whitelist
sm_removefromlist : Remove a player from the whitelist
sm_removeleader : No description found
sm_removespray : Finds and removes a spray under your crosshair
sm_rename : sm_rename <#userid|name>
sm_resetcvar : sm_resetcvar <cvar>
sm_resize : sm_resize <#userid|name> <scale>
sm_respawn : sm_respawn <#userid|name>
sm_restartmaps_test : No description found
sm_restartround : sm_restartround <delay>
sm_rewardwinners : sm_rewardwinners <difficulty>
sm_rr : sm_restartround <delay>
sm_savebookmark : Saves a bookmark with the given name in the record the target records. sm_savebookmark <name|steamid|#userid> <bookmark name>
sm_say : sm_say <message> - sends message to all players
sm_sblind : No description found
sm_send : Send a client to another client.
sm_setclantag : sm_setclantag <#userid|name> [text]
sm_setdeaths : sm_setdeaths <#userid|name> <value>
sm_setfakes : Manually sets the amount of fake-clients
sm_setmodel : sm_setmodel <#userid|name> <modelpath>
sm_setmvp : sm_setmvp <#userid|name> <value>
sm_setnextmap : sm_setnextmap <map>
sm_setscore : sm_setscore <#userid|name> <(optional +/-) value>
sm_setteamscore : sm_setteamscore <team> <value>
sm_shield : Toggle to enable/disable zombie shield.
sm_silence : sm_silence <player> - Removes a player's ability to use voice or chat.
sm_slap : sm_slap <#userid|name> [damage]
sm_slay : sm_slay <#userid|name>
sm_spam_precache_model_test : No description found
sm_speed : sm_speed <#userid|name> <value>
sm_spray : Spray a clients spray
sm_sprayban : Ban a client from spraying
sm_spraymanagerrefreshdb : Updates all clients info
sm_spraymanagerreloaddb : Updates all clients info
sm_spraymanagerupdatedb : Updates all clients info
sm_spraytrace : Finds a spray under your crosshair
sm_sprayunban : Unban a client and allow them to spray
sm_spray_test : Tests all sprays in the games downloads folder, listing bad ones.
sm_stage : sm_stage <stage>
sm_stats : sm_stats <#userid|name>
sm_stoprecord : Stops the current SourceTV demo
sm_streak : sm_streak <#userid|name> [streak]
sm_strip : sm_strip <#userid|name>
sm_suppressconvar : Supress a ConVar from displaying changes to Clients.
sm_team : sm_team <#userid|name> <team> [alive]
sm_testround : Toggle to enable/disable a test round.
sm_test_sdkcall : No description found
sm_timebomb : sm_timebomb <#userid|name> [0/1]
sm_tnt : No description found
sm_toggleblame : Enables blame mode.
sm_tpaim : Teleport a client to your aimpoint.
sm_tracespray : Finds a spray under your crosshair
sm_trackwinners : Use this each round where humans can win VIP. the alive humans on that round will have their steam IDs stored. Also specify a day as the number.
sm_tsay : sm_tsay [color] <message> - sends top-left message to all players
sm_turret : No description found
sm_unban : sm_unban <steamid|ip> [reason]
sm_unbanspray : Unban a clients spray (Note: This will not spray-unban the client, it will only unban the spray which they are currently using)
sm_ungag : sm_ungag <player> - Restores a player's ability to use chat.
sm_unlag : sm_unlag <entidx>
sm_unmute : sm_unmute <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice.
sm_unsilence : sm_unsilence <player> - Restores a player's ability to use voice and chat.
sm_vortigaunt : No description found
sm_vote : sm_vote <question> [Answer1] [Answer2] ... [Answer5]
sm_votealltalk : sm_votealltalk
sm_voteban : sm_voteban <player> [reason]
sm_voteburn : sm_voteburn <player>
sm_voteextend : sm_voteextend [time] - Start an extendvote
sm_voteff : sm_voteff
sm_votegravity : sm_votegravity <amount> [amount2] ... [amount5]
sm_votekick : sm_votekick <player> [reason]
sm_votemap : sm_votemap <mapname> [mapname2] ... [mapname5]
sm_voteslay : sm_voteslay <player>
sm_vpn : No description found
sm_waila : sm_waila [target]
sm_weapon : sm_weapon <#userid|name> <name> [clip] [ammo]
sm_whiteknight : No description found
sm_who : sm_who [#userid|name]
sm_zone : No description found
sm_zones : No description found
sm_zonetest : No description found
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