can we stop all these event nominations with stackmode and vip

Feb 3, 2021
United Kingdom
Pickle's idea was good, yeah. Vip was funny yeah. But what isnt good is when it gets put in EVERY SINGLE NOMNATION. I like how we dont play map in event if it was in event for last 3 weeks. Why not do the same with the kickers.?
take for example, harry poter with stackmode. was good idea, and event was good. then look at surf outside with vip mode WE GO 1-40!!!! 20 specs waiting for the shit map to be over. and now laith wants do it again?
"William: Can we remove the kicker? Same for Shizruo's nomination. At this point the VIP/stackmode kickers are really tedious and the combo of maps you guys have nominated is already good enough."
"Luke: if we play Stackmode too much it isnt fun anymore soon, only saying."