Bring back the cookies !


Veteran Admin
Jun 6, 2017
Hey everyone !

Some i3d folks will surely remember the possibility for admins to give cookies to players. The command was something like "!give Dazhkar cookies". It didn't do anything except writing in the chat ""Admin_name" gave "player_name" cookies" but i always found it funny to see.
I don't think it's a hard command to add and it would add some fun.

Let me know what you think about it.
That was most likely part of some sort of fun commands / admin panel plugin.
The one we're using right now only allows valid items to be given to players, such as knife, P90, etc.
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That was most likely part of some sort of fun commands / admin panel plugin.
The one we're using right now only allows valid items to be given to players, such as knife, P90, etc.

Sad to hear about it but ok. Thanks for the answer.
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