1. General Information. Write some general information so we can get in touch with you easily. Do them in the following order:
- Nickname : mini
- Age : 18
- Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:429610828
- Server(s) you are applying for : Zombie Escape
- Current Activity : 1.8k hours in UNLOZE and 5k hours in CS:S for the past 2 years and 1 month. I spend at least 1 hour on the server most of the time, however it depends.
2. Why do you want to be an admin? Tell us what drives you to join our admin team and help us manage this community.
There are 3 reasons why I want to be an admin in the server, the first one is pretty straightforward, while the others are kinda complex.
- The first reason is that I enjoy my time in this community so much that the only reason I remembered playing zombie escape was because of this server (1 time in 2016 when encapsulation was playing, 1 time in 2018 or 2020 as _Gabriel13 being my name back then & my forum account date and the last time in April 2022, where you can notice my name change on the forum account). It has everything that I would've probably asked for : cool playerbase, chill and friendly admins, cool maps being played and most importantly, the achievements you can do on this server (Like getting unloze its first aesthetic win!). Thanks to most of this community, I have managed to become a better zombie escape player and I also had fun while doing it. The community isn't perfect as it has some flaws, but it is the community that I want to be in.
- The second reason is more on a personal note, I want to convince myself that I'm not a coward into being an admin and I can handle the pressure despite knowing what is coming next. I might have mentioned it a few times when people asked me why I didn't want to apply, but I want to believe that I can overcome this feeling I had years ago.
- The last reason, but not the least, is that I have noticed the server having player issues. There are no players during the day and I want to help in any way I can. Creating events, leading or/and managing maps and trying to make a chill atmosphere for the players so they feel comfortable talking to the staff.
3. What past experience do you have and other things that would benefit us having you as an admin? List all the past duties you have done in any community and what kind of skills/knowledge do you have.
- I have been a supervisor (close to being a manager, basically highest "admin tier" below management) on a romanian minecraft server for 3-4 years in 2018 (I was 12 years old back then), specifically on a GTA roleplay gamemode. I was helping other admins/staff members how to improve, I was in the top activity above all, and handling the most requests. I was also a forum moderator, handling topics like suggestions, events or applications (not for the staff, but roleplay ranks) the more I advanced in the "tier". I have handled players that have been toxic or cheaters in a pretty strict way because the community was strict, but I was kind to every player, I also never swore or insult players nor admins during my work.
- Furthermore, I have also the player experience. I usually don't praise myself because I don't like it but I am one of the greatest zombie escape players during these 2 years of playing on UNLOZE. I can help by gameplay, that means leading maps, covering most teammates, use items properly, bhop quick, I have a good reaction time and I have knowledge towards many other stuff. I play all maps and win as many as well, so I know all of them and I know when most rounds are over or not, as well as finding glitches on maps like the mako v6 pipe avoiding teleport or mount doom early trigger. About maps, I give criticism to maps that need it. About players, I am usually pretty straightforward and honest when I don't like something because I don't like to be frustrated. When I make mistakes I apologise for them and try to move on while also learning from them. And the most important trait I have : sociability. I pretty much talk in the server for hours to hang out with the players in the community. The main languages I speak are english and romanian, romanian being the native one.
4. Can you play during late hours? Do you have the possibility to play during late hours (past 1-2am) and very early (before 7am). Explain why and give us some details about how you could manage the server around these hours by yourself.
- This pretty much depends on my schedule and if I have any vacation. If I have vacation, I hop during late hours and early hours, but not too often because there are no players whatsoever. If there are events during the time (in case some are very long), I would stay until I can't anymore.
5. Imagine you as a brand new admin, suspect a player to inflate or break the server rules on purpose. Explain to us how do you approach the situation. Add any details that seem important to you.
Note : If people try to break the server rules, they will most likely have a different motive in doing so, most of the players being upset when being punished, since no one wants to get punished and no admins really want to punish people either to get hated for no reason. It also doesn't mean they are allowed to do whatever they want, however it is pretty much the key by helping the player while avoiding breaking the rules. With this information that I provided, I will give my perspective on how I approach when someone is breaking the server rules.
- What I would do is that I ask the player what's wrong, why did they did that and I give the benefit of the doubt on the first attempt on the specific rule they broke. If it's done again, then pretty much is not a mistake anymore, rather done on purpose and I punish the player by using the server's rules as a guide. If it's about communication, then I would mute/gag the player for around 10 minutes so they calm down first, up to following the server's regular punishing system if it keeps going. If it's about cheating, it's pretty much a permanent ban with no explanation, but asking beforehand why did they do it. If it's about inflating (item trolling, knifing forward and other types), a knifeban or eban by the map duration OR ban 1 hour if it's only inflating then followed by server's regular punishing system. When it's about other stuff like sprays, exploiting bugs, abusing !calladmin, I would punish by the server rules without asking why they did it (except for calling admin) or try to find a lighter method if possible.
- When it's about events specifically, I would explain the basics and the risks of being punished to the events. I would punish people for the entire map of any event in case that happens. Another important thing is when I am unsure about a player doing something, I will always ask the other members of the admin team to help me understand on how I should do better regarding the admin duties.
In the end, I want to be reasonable and keep the punishments fair when it's an agreement between me and the player. In the end we are people and we might have a bad day.
6. Other stuff and/or last words. Type here anything else you have in mind and finish your application in style!
- I want to mention that I never had any experience with the commands in counter strike source and I have never been admin in any server in this game.
- I know that some people don't like me and not liking back because of personal issues or any other reasons. In this case I will keep it professional and direct you to someone else or to the forums to avoid conflict.
- Here are a couple of videos from random youtubers where you see me lead and screenshots below where you see me win maps in general :
(CREDIT : Nether, some months ago) ,
(CREDIT : FideLink, mini's autistic awesome event) ,
(CREDIT: Kttyy, 1 year ago),
& https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI6svvqKWcQ (CREDIT : Luz Noceda, 9 months-1 year ago) , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmATG-Yovkw & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mnOO6zCzBk & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzWwebS8spY (CREDIT : Mahu, few weeks ago) and of course, the best white knight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7rozqE15Z8 (CREDIT : koen, 1 month ago) ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILYC33lofi8&t=7s (CREDIT : Nether, few weeks ago)
- I also want to reimplement the screenshot of winners on event threads because I remember how cool they were! :D
- I am aware about my temper when it comes about nide (most of the time playerbase having only people that bother joining for offlining laser maps, but also admins). I will try to keep it cool most of the time and not make that big of a deal anymore. I am mentioning this because they are sometimes hopping to us and we to their server and overall it's pretty childish of me.
* Kinda important but I will remind that I will have the final exam in a few weeks I might not be as active as I was usually, until the end of this month or half of june *
** In the end I want to thank you all for spending your time reading this. I would also like to thank you for making me the zombie escape player I am today and for creating these fun moments in these 2 years, I really appreciate them! :D. In the end, stay classy, stay cool and don't be a fool! Have a nice day. **
- Nickname : mini
- Age : 18
- Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:429610828
- Server(s) you are applying for : Zombie Escape
- Current Activity : 1.8k hours in UNLOZE and 5k hours in CS:S for the past 2 years and 1 month. I spend at least 1 hour on the server most of the time, however it depends.
2. Why do you want to be an admin? Tell us what drives you to join our admin team and help us manage this community.
There are 3 reasons why I want to be an admin in the server, the first one is pretty straightforward, while the others are kinda complex.
- The first reason is that I enjoy my time in this community so much that the only reason I remembered playing zombie escape was because of this server (1 time in 2016 when encapsulation was playing, 1 time in 2018 or 2020 as _Gabriel13 being my name back then & my forum account date and the last time in April 2022, where you can notice my name change on the forum account). It has everything that I would've probably asked for : cool playerbase, chill and friendly admins, cool maps being played and most importantly, the achievements you can do on this server (Like getting unloze its first aesthetic win!). Thanks to most of this community, I have managed to become a better zombie escape player and I also had fun while doing it. The community isn't perfect as it has some flaws, but it is the community that I want to be in.
- The second reason is more on a personal note, I want to convince myself that I'm not a coward into being an admin and I can handle the pressure despite knowing what is coming next. I might have mentioned it a few times when people asked me why I didn't want to apply, but I want to believe that I can overcome this feeling I had years ago.
- The last reason, but not the least, is that I have noticed the server having player issues. There are no players during the day and I want to help in any way I can. Creating events, leading or/and managing maps and trying to make a chill atmosphere for the players so they feel comfortable talking to the staff.
3. What past experience do you have and other things that would benefit us having you as an admin? List all the past duties you have done in any community and what kind of skills/knowledge do you have.
- I have been a supervisor (close to being a manager, basically highest "admin tier" below management) on a romanian minecraft server for 3-4 years in 2018 (I was 12 years old back then), specifically on a GTA roleplay gamemode. I was helping other admins/staff members how to improve, I was in the top activity above all, and handling the most requests. I was also a forum moderator, handling topics like suggestions, events or applications (not for the staff, but roleplay ranks) the more I advanced in the "tier". I have handled players that have been toxic or cheaters in a pretty strict way because the community was strict, but I was kind to every player, I also never swore or insult players nor admins during my work.
- Furthermore, I have also the player experience. I usually don't praise myself because I don't like it but I am one of the greatest zombie escape players during these 2 years of playing on UNLOZE. I can help by gameplay, that means leading maps, covering most teammates, use items properly, bhop quick, I have a good reaction time and I have knowledge towards many other stuff. I play all maps and win as many as well, so I know all of them and I know when most rounds are over or not, as well as finding glitches on maps like the mako v6 pipe avoiding teleport or mount doom early trigger. About maps, I give criticism to maps that need it. About players, I am usually pretty straightforward and honest when I don't like something because I don't like to be frustrated. When I make mistakes I apologise for them and try to move on while also learning from them. And the most important trait I have : sociability. I pretty much talk in the server for hours to hang out with the players in the community. The main languages I speak are english and romanian, romanian being the native one.
4. Can you play during late hours? Do you have the possibility to play during late hours (past 1-2am) and very early (before 7am). Explain why and give us some details about how you could manage the server around these hours by yourself.
- This pretty much depends on my schedule and if I have any vacation. If I have vacation, I hop during late hours and early hours, but not too often because there are no players whatsoever. If there are events during the time (in case some are very long), I would stay until I can't anymore.
5. Imagine you as a brand new admin, suspect a player to inflate or break the server rules on purpose. Explain to us how do you approach the situation. Add any details that seem important to you.
Note : If people try to break the server rules, they will most likely have a different motive in doing so, most of the players being upset when being punished, since no one wants to get punished and no admins really want to punish people either to get hated for no reason. It also doesn't mean they are allowed to do whatever they want, however it is pretty much the key by helping the player while avoiding breaking the rules. With this information that I provided, I will give my perspective on how I approach when someone is breaking the server rules.
- What I would do is that I ask the player what's wrong, why did they did that and I give the benefit of the doubt on the first attempt on the specific rule they broke. If it's done again, then pretty much is not a mistake anymore, rather done on purpose and I punish the player by using the server's rules as a guide. If it's about communication, then I would mute/gag the player for around 10 minutes so they calm down first, up to following the server's regular punishing system if it keeps going. If it's about cheating, it's pretty much a permanent ban with no explanation, but asking beforehand why did they do it. If it's about inflating (item trolling, knifing forward and other types), a knifeban or eban by the map duration OR ban 1 hour if it's only inflating then followed by server's regular punishing system. When it's about other stuff like sprays, exploiting bugs, abusing !calladmin, I would punish by the server rules without asking why they did it (except for calling admin) or try to find a lighter method if possible.
- When it's about events specifically, I would explain the basics and the risks of being punished to the events. I would punish people for the entire map of any event in case that happens. Another important thing is when I am unsure about a player doing something, I will always ask the other members of the admin team to help me understand on how I should do better regarding the admin duties.
In the end, I want to be reasonable and keep the punishments fair when it's an agreement between me and the player. In the end we are people and we might have a bad day.
6. Other stuff and/or last words. Type here anything else you have in mind and finish your application in style!
- I want to mention that I never had any experience with the commands in counter strike source and I have never been admin in any server in this game.
- I know that some people don't like me and not liking back because of personal issues or any other reasons. In this case I will keep it professional and direct you to someone else or to the forums to avoid conflict.
- Here are a couple of videos from random youtubers where you see me lead and screenshots below where you see me win maps in general :
- I also want to reimplement the screenshot of winners on event threads because I remember how cool they were! :D
- I am aware about my temper when it comes about nide (most of the time playerbase having only people that bother joining for offlining laser maps, but also admins). I will try to keep it cool most of the time and not make that big of a deal anymore. I am mentioning this because they are sometimes hopping to us and we to their server and overall it's pretty childish of me.
* Kinda important but I will remind that I will have the final exam in a few weeks I might not be as active as I was usually, until the end of this month or half of june *
** In the end I want to thank you all for spending your time reading this. I would also like to thank you for making me the zombie escape player I am today and for creating these fun moments in these 2 years, I really appreciate them! :D. In the end, stay classy, stay cool and don't be a fool! Have a nice day. **
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