The conclusion on the vote is that almost not a single person bothered reading here before voting. Showcasing how people want to have a say on things without putting any effort or attention to what its about. This just further makes me believe that its pointless to include majority of people on anything here now a days...
There will be no follow up vote thread, staff will just discuss changes and pick them. Most likely when we do balancing again in the future it will also be done without any voting at all.
10 people voted for buffing humans. (jenz, shino, mini, william, kaka, alcolo, ness, bantu, martin, rippër)
1 people voted for changing nothing. (kabby)
1 people voted for nerfing zombies. (matsuki)
If you wonder why all other votes are ignored maybe its time that you finally read the first post.
lastly to say: we did not count kiku and maso because they did not explain why they voted for no change, instead they talked about suggestions for what could be changed.