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  1. Ostkand

    Off topic random dank stuff

  2. Ostkand

    Event #58|| Tower Defense

    Well, there's also the fact that there were two events today. Might be better to keep the 3day split, although idk how that would be organized. Maybe make a subforum for event managers, if that doesn't already exist :pogchamp:
  3. Ostkand

    Event #57 || Ridorana Cataract Event

    Shoutouts to the 0 post accounts who ensured this map! :pogchamp:
  4. Ostkand

    Announcement Admin Meeting Results

    I would respond to this, but I'm too distracted by the random capitalization :kappa:
  5. Ostkand

    Event Nominations for the next event(23/09/2017)

    ze_mako_reactor_v5_3 Special Kicker: Block will be enabled for the duration of the map ͠° ) ͜ʖ ( ͠° VIP: I'm thinking we only play the original stages, so 2 week VIP for ex2 winners
  6. Ostkand

    Announcement New Global Admin: Metroid

    Don't go easy on us :P
  7. Ostkand

    Zombie Escape map music

    A pretty nice instrumental featured in Shroom
  8. Ostkand

    I demand a revote (vote is invalid, whilst being it a draw)

    I love you jackie chan!
  9. Ostkand

    Event Poll for 19th of August

    and no rebuys, triple the amount of mother zombies :wlenny:
  10. Ostkand

    (Un)-Official Event Suggestion Thread

    To add context, there was just an insane rote run that barely fell short. It's time to dedicate our event resources for the completion of this map! \o/
  11. Ostkand

    Youtube Music.

  12. Ostkand

    New Global Admin

    Gz to Ghox, who's been an exemplary admin since day 1 :doggo:
  13. Ostkand

    Replacing cancer canyon v5 with older solid v4.

    What about having both, like with pirates? Also, I have to admit that your point resonate with me; if an older version of something is percieved to be better, why not just play that? :P
  14. Ostkand

    Zombie Escape map music

    How to properly kick off a map :pogchamp:
  15. Ostkand

    Event #30 || Wanderers Event

    Definitely not patronising :kappa:
  16. Ostkand

    Announcement Simplifying the Forum

    I thought about something aswell, maybe new threads can appear in "recent posts"? I usually just look at that instead of going through everything, but then I miss threads that're unreplied to :doggo:
  17. Ostkand

    Devenir un nouveau admin ?

    Anyone feel like translating this? Who knows, maybe there is a sick application hidden beneath le francais :pogchamp:
  18. Ostkand

    New Global Admin

    EZ for Finland, PERKELE
  19. Ostkand

    Event Suggestions

    Just gonna post some ideas that came up today, before we forget them :-P -Mountain; beating all modes(and maybe some kind of spice/twist to it) -Predator, with only the predator skin(if that's feasible). -Mako v5 with block :wlenny: these would all be seperate events I guess, unless we wanna...