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  1. Glacius Verglas

    ze_chandrila - Devlog

    You can keep the intro sequence but only play it once at the start of the session.
  2. Glacius Verglas

    Event #248 || Nomination Thread

    I'm going to take you behind the shed and [REDACTED] for this nomination.
  3. Glacius Verglas

    Yggdrasil inactive admin?!

  4. Glacius Verglas

    Admin application by yours truly - Ram

    Rem is objectively better than Ram. Change my mind.
  5. Glacius Verglas

    zombe shield

    Laserfags who rely on nukes and doorhug go brrrrrr
  6. Glacius Verglas

    Unban Giftcard

    1€ / Day off Ban Permanent Bans do not Apply :peepowink:
  7. Glacius Verglas


    Blame Poutou /thread
  8. Glacius Verglas

    My Qualms with Cash Manager

    Changes to the current system will ve done, and while I’m not sure how , yet, rest assured that the current system will not stand.
  9. Glacius Verglas

    Kriesley's Admin application

    This was re-opened due to talks on Discord as far as I know. The SA team will most likely get back to you soon'ish(?)
  10. Glacius Verglas

    Silver Admin's application

    Fixed that train wreck formatting in above post.
  11. Glacius Verglas

    Request Forum Changes

    Yeah the styling is a bit funky when users have more than 2 badges. Carry on. :P
  12. Glacius Verglas

    Bass heavy songs

    I swear the first person who posts bass boosted nightcore is getting banned. Edit: That being said;
  13. Glacius Verglas

    (Idea for mappers) ze_naruto_ultimate

    This thread went as I expected. Yikes.
  14. Glacius Verglas


    What if we killed the afk players entity instead of kicking them off the server. :tbc:
  15. Glacius Verglas

    Cookie's Admin Application

    @William! :D Please don't bundle me with biased opinions. Thanks. <3
  16. Glacius Verglas

    I am a very dumb person

  17. Glacius Verglas

    Vanster unstable admin

    After seeing the context and looking over at logs; There was no abuse going on here. Sure, Vanster does sometimes do weird shit I might not agree with but it's not too bad. Just because they remove some minutes off a map that has already been beaten doesn't mean they are Nazi Germany, etc.
  18. Glacius Verglas

    Vanster unstable admin

    I like how everyone who is supporting the thread is a try-hard laser fag that has a history of prior bans. Hmm... makes you think. Anyway, to the actual topic, this is being discussed about, but Fierce, fucks sake. You're the emotional one here.