I swear the first person who posts bass boosted nightcore is getting banned.
That being said; https://soundcloud.com/hoa-xau-xi/allexinno-starchild-joanna-dj-zym-remix-full-version-deezay-tuannguyen-upload-nhacdjvn
After seeing the context and looking over at logs;
There was no abuse going on here.
Sure, Vanster does sometimes do weird shit I might not agree with but it's not too bad.
Just because they remove some minutes off a map that has already been beaten doesn't mean they are Nazi Germany, etc.
I like how everyone who is supporting the thread is a try-hard laser fag that has a history of prior bans.
Hmm... makes you think.
Anyway, to the actual topic, this is being discussed about, but Fierce, fucks sake. You're the emotional one here.