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  1. Nivinski

    Event #10 || FootBall Event

    Great event boys! Thanks for organizing it.
  2. Nivinski

    Event #10 || FootBall Event

    Please check if you can.
  3. Nivinski

    Event #10 || FootBall Event

    I'll have a look at that and kill the person that copied the ze config to mg. And like zegawa said, luckely no impact for the football event :-D
  4. Nivinski

    Event #10 || FootBall Event

    Ball's fixed. What's wrong with nades?
  5. Nivinski

    Event #10 || FootBall Event

    Best event ever made. Edit: Zuff is fgt
  6. Nivinski

    Things found in erebus' basement

    Erebus showed you how to hide these bottles in your body?
  7. Nivinski

    Discussion about Event #9 || Nemesis Event

    Huge match, 2 teams and VERY flexible rules. Perfect!
  8. Nivinski

    Event suggestion

    OR let a technical admin create a plugin that randomly picks a player every round to be "admin" with a limited set of commands (grav, model resize, friction, speed).. Not even sure if it's technically possible, but it sounds like fun!
  9. Nivinski

    The appointment of our second director

    Good luck Streupi!
  10. Nivinski

    Need help with advertising the Minecraft server.

    Exactly that. Perfect comment! I explicitly pointed this out when we were discussing about servers.
  11. Nivinski

    event #7

    24 hour no rules mg_football match!
  12. Nivinski


    As the plugin of Bird was not working, I added a new one on all CSS servers. This one seems to work, but might need some tweaking on the advertisement... We'll see.
  13. Nivinski


    I don't say this too much, but good idea!
  14. Nivinski

    fix minigame b0ss

    Spec is also fixed. Most "broken things" are probably related to map configs!
  15. Nivinski

    fix minigame b0ss

    Airacc is set correctly now. Didn't look into spec issue. Also, define "some more xd".
  16. Nivinski

    Trump the 45th king of murica

  17. Nivinski

    Little Break For Event

    *[Internalized Oppression]*
  18. Nivinski

    Xenforo Theme Poll

    Alright! Thanks for the suggestion. I voted for bliss, but you can add that vote to Tactical as I cannot change my vote.
  19. Nivinski

    Happy one-year-closer-to-death day

    Happy one-year-closer-to-death day