CS:S ZE Map List and Suggestions

I dont remember the map at all
It was surely tested only once on i3d
Map name: ze_paradise_v1
Map download link: I can't link yet, but it is on GameBanana. (/maps/59866)
Map size: Idk
Stages/items?: I don't remember
Reason to add: It was one of my favorite Zombie escape maps 10 years ago, and i haven't seen it in many years.
Map name: ze_paradise_v1
Map download link: I can't link yet, but it is on GameBanana. (/maps/59866)
Map size: Idk
Stages/items?: I don't remember
Reason to add: It was one of my favorite Zombie escape maps 10 years ago, and i haven't seen it in many years.
Maybe at this as a Nemesis map, because if I remember correctly, it was very CT sided and had a major skip which ruined most rounds.
Map name: ze_paradise_v1
Map download link: I can't link yet, but it is on GameBanana. (/maps/59866)
Map size: Idk
Stages/items?: I don't remember
Reason to add: It was one of my favorite Zombie escape maps 10 years ago, and i haven't seen it in many years.
Would love to see this map added, along with all the other forgotten classics.
Maybe at this as a Nemesis map, because if I remember correctly, it was very CT sided and had a major skip which ruined most rounds.
It worked out well enough on some servers where the zombs spawn quick and near to the CTs. Of course once a few CT made it inside the volcano it was a ez win. Perfect candidate for Nemesis
Map: ze_bioshock_v7
Link: https://gamebanana.com/maps/187732
* Issue where Little Sister could permanently lose her own buff
* Updated spawn imagery
* Crossfade doesn't start from silent on first song of each round
* Possible to not pick up gene tonic
* Tonics may not kill ct
* Fix gravity well slingshot
* major lighting improvements including AO and HDR
* Plasmids
* Electro Bolt 3
* Stun duration 5s->4.25s
* Lifetime 62->5.5s
* Backported v6_2 logic optimisations from csgo version
* Changed volume of Big Sister 10->8
* Update secret skin options

Stage 2:
* Fixed 1999 rock wall visibility in Fort Frolic Entrance

Stage 4:
* Hard new music
* Fix missing music post-boss
* Easy: fix no music
* Wrong timer on easy elevator doors
* (easy, maybe hard too): first tp not activating for zms (maybe humans too)
* Fix first AFK teleport not activating

* Adjusted first AFK teleport destination for better cover
* Columbia minor visual improvements
Hopefully my final ever version. I want to finish this for good before I move to the other side of the world as probably wont have the time.
Last edited:
Map: ze_bioshock_v7
Link: https://gamebanana.com/maps/187732
* Issue where Little Sister could permanently lose her own buff
* Updated spawn imagery
* Crossfade doesn't start from silent on first song of each round
* Possible to not pick up gene tonic
* Tonics may not kill ct
* Fix gravity well slingshot
* major lighting improvements including AO and HDR
* Plasmids
* Electro Bolt 3
* Stun duration 5s->4.25s
* Lifetime 62->5.5s
* Backported v6_2 logic optimisations from csgo version
* Changed volume of Big Sister 10->8
* Update secret skin options

Stage 2:
* Fixed 1999 rock wall visibility in Fort Frolic Entrance

Stage 4:
* Hard new music
* Fix missing music post-boss
* Easy: fix no music
* Wrong timer on easy elevator doors
* (easy, maybe hard too): first tp not activating for zms (maybe humans too)
* Fix first AFK teleport not activating

* Adjusted first AFK teleport destination for better cover
* Columbia minor visual improvements
Hopefully my final ever version. I want to finish this for good before I move to the other side of the world as probably wont have the time.
Who Said BioShock test this week ? :kappa:
Ohh yeah I forgot to say:

Map: ze_bioshock_v7_1
Link: https://gamebanana.com/maps/187732
Fixed all the stuff i definitely didn't break in v7. Also made the bomb building slightly less linear for zms. Adjusted the lighting slightly again. Its now somewhere in the middle between v6 and v7. fuck fog. but then thats what i get for creating a map set both underwater and in the sky i guess.

Anyway see the whole changelog on the link. Unless you can actually break the map; i think im done, largely because i have the despair of porting it to csgo still.
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Reactions: D()G@N and vinto
Map name: ze_surf_dark_fantasy_b1
Map download link: gamebanana /maps/205855
Map size: 167 MB
Stages/items?: 1 stage (random part) + true end(add about 50-60 minutes gameplay); item gravity, wind, heal, electro, zdroper, zheal, zfire
Reason to add: new map
Map name: ze_surf_dark_fantasy_b1
Map download link: gamebanana /maps/205855
Map size: 167 MB
Stages/items?: 1 stage (random part) + true end(add about 50-60 minutes gameplay); item gravity, wind, heal, electro, zdroper, zheal, zfire
Reason to add: new map
hello, 120 minutes round time seems a bit excessive you know.
what if you lose ? you restart everything and wasted 1 hour on the map ?

btw, the propdata.txt you use is wrong. you put \ in the models path which create duplicate modelindex and that cause the wrong modelindex to be applied on the playermodel of your map.
harry potter had that issue in older version

604:  models\darkerz_mapper\ze_surf_dark_fantasy\player\emilia.mdl (RES_FATALIFMISSING | RES_PRELOAD):    40026 refs, first 0.00 mru 0.00
605:  models/darkerz_mapper/ze_surf_dark_fantasy/player/emilia.mdl (RES_FATALIFMISSING | RES_PRELOAD):    35416 refs, first 0.00 mru 0.00
606:  models\darkerz_mapper\ze_surf_dark_fantasy\player\inori.mdl (RES_FATALIFMISSING | RES_PRELOAD):    23197 refs, first 0.00 mru 0.00
607:  models/darkerz_mapper/ze_surf_dark_fantasy/player/inori.mdl (RES_FATALIFMISSING | RES_PRELOAD):    5197 refs, first 0.00 mru 0.00
608:  models\darkerz_mapper\ze_surf_dark_fantasy\player\lightyagami.mdl (RES_FATALIFMISSING | RES_PRELOAD):    37174 refs, first 0.00 mru 0.00
609:  models/darkerz_mapper/ze_surf_dark_fantasy/player/lightyagami.mdl (RES_FATALIFMISSING | RES_PRELOAD):    never used

            "models\darkerz_mapper\ze_surf_dark_fantasy\player\emilia.mdl" "1"
            "models\darkerz_mapper\ze_surf_dark_fantasy\player\inori.mdl" "1"
            "models\darkerz_mapper\ze_surf_dark_fantasy\player\lightyagami.mdl" "1"

this should become

    "models/darkerz_mapper/ze_surf_dark_fantasy/player/emilia.mdl" "1"
    "models/darkerz_mapper/ze_surf_dark_fantasy/player/inori.mdl" "1"
    "models/darkerz_mapper/ze_surf_dark_fantasy/player/lightyagami.mdl" "1"
Also, I noticed ingame the nodraw effect if we spec / noclip around.

You put giant nodraw boxes around your map.... whyyyy


I can only assume you got a leak somewhere, but that's not how you fix a leak at all, this is just being lazy.
That ruins optimisation.

Also, your surf ramps are very steep, they dont look natural
if not to use the nowdraw box, the compiler swears at trigger_teleport, which captures two or more areas. modelindex fix: restart map. in later versions I will correct these bugs. Now you need to test hp bosses and maybe other bugs
if not to use the nowdraw box, the compiler swears at trigger_teleport, which captures two or more areas. modelindex fix: restart map. in later versions I will correct these bugs. Now you need to test hp bosses and maybe other bugs
if your trigger_teleport origin is in the void, you simply need to make a nodraw brush at that origin. it will fix the 'leak'

and im not sure if restarting a map is a real fix for modelindex. having the / instead of \ would prevent any wrong index from happening in the first place
Also if the entwatch is already out then let me know.. I wouldn't have to make it again