

/420\ From Weed garden /420\
Oct 11, 2016
Well well well, let's talk about it. So now it's been several years of ZE, and changing server.
From what i saw everywhere, peoples love spamming. It's fun (i'm not a spammer tho).
With torchlight a new fun way to make some better ambiance and fun came.

But with a price, more spamming. Everyone who played on GLF past years know what it means.
I don't particulary like spamming but we have to recognize it's fun sometimes. If i remember at a moment, peoples could use a little the commands, but was removed later.

So why to not make a system like on GFL where players can use it with some benefit for VIP, and more for admins and tech etc ? Like the !access. Granting an access for ppls. Be honnest even without this, a players with a good mic can spam what he want. We see it everyday. So why not letting access for everyone, with a limit ?
When u make something forbiden ppls want to use it, when you give them they are bored, this is the human. So let us have some fun with it. I don't see any good reason to keep those sounds used by everyone.

Please consider it
Both GFL and Nide allows players to use torch with limitations. Maybe unloze can also consider something similar for VIPs only?

Honnestly yes please, but even for non VIP. Every players could have a little fun for some secondes
Maybe add some restriction more like, no torch sounds during try hard maps ( or decent level od dificulty)
Honestly , i don't understand why torchlight is admin only. I don't see anything that will adversely affect the server but with restrictions of course. For sure some people are bothered by those sounds but they can use !sm also admins can !disable torchlight whenever they want especially on tryhard maps or events
So why to not make a system like on GFL where players can use it with some benefit for VIP, and more for admins and tech etc ? Like the !access. Granting an access for ppls. Be honnest even without this, a players with a good mic can spam what he want. We see it everyday. So why not letting access for everyone, with a limit ?
When u make something forbiden ppls want to use it, when you give them they are bored, this is the human. So let us have some fun with it. I don't see any good reason to keep those sounds used by everyone.

Please consider it

No, dont really want to have everyone on the server being able to play sounds
Both GFL and Nide allows players to use torch with limitations. Maybe unloze can also consider something similar for VIPs only?
it is available for everyone in gfl, in nide only VIPs i think (this what i saw when i joined it)
it is available for everyone in gfl, in nide only VIPs i think (this what i saw when i joined it)

Everyone can use torchlight on GFL, but VIP's have a little bit more torchy time. Admins have unlimited torchy time and can use the 'admin only' sounds, also pretty sure they can use the !yt command if that still works. I don't know about NIDE

I know in the past unlose didn't want normal players to have torchlight access because of how it was used on GFL (constant spamming until the cooldown timer kicked in), also if I recall correctly they thought it contributed to the downfall of GFL. I enjoy micspam, but I know a lot of people hate it and arguments in the past for torchy use were along the lines of "just !sm torchlight bro," which is just telling plebs to go fuck themselves.

VIP only might be a "good" compromise, but as much as I love torchlight spam/mic spam in general, I don't think it would be a good idea considering the average person doesn't enjoy it and if it does cause people to leave the server you won't hear about it since only a minority of players are active on the forums. If you let everyone use torchy, expect an autistic GFL like experience.
Nice thread. However, I agree with Strongfield. There will be a lot of spammers (netware, Cookie, ...). Torchlight is fine right now. Besides, Admins know how to control themselves towards the use of the sounds. We only use Torchlight for the so-called "A U T I S M Hours" or non-tryhard maps where we're just having fun.
Nice thread. However, I agree with Strongfield. There will be a lot of spammers (netware, Cookie, ...). Torchlight is fine right now. Besides, Admins know how to control themselves towards the use of the sounds. We only use Torchlight for the so-called "A U T I S M Hours" or non-tryhard maps where we're just having fun.
That's why he is saying limit the fuckin use of torch to vips and no vips, like give them for every map a 12 second or 15 like gifiel or even less and make them maybe use only the ones with "!"
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Nice thread. However, I agree with Strongfield. There will be a lot of spammers (netware, Cookie, ...). Torchlight is fine right now. Besides, Admins know how to control themselves towards the use of the sounds. We only use Torchlight for the so-called "A U T I S M Hours" or non-tryhard maps where we're just having fun.
Yeah because I need torch to play sounds when I have my own soundboard and access to torch sounds too if I want to download them.

Torch isn't VIP because incase the server has less people buying VIP, they can add torch to VIP and then more people will buy it.
What i see is mostly admin wanting to keep for them the sounds they constantly spam. I think you should consider the thing, making some access with restriction, maybe for vip or not. It's up to you. Peoples spam without torch it's a fact. Just let us have fun without taking a mic and complete soundboard. 10 sec access for everyone for a map isn't what i call spam (+ with a cooldown). So don't exagerate so much when you say it woulb be cancer
What i see is mostly admin wanting to keep for them the sounds they constantly spam. I think you should consider the thing, making some access with restriction, maybe for vip or not. It's up to you. Peoples spam without torch it's a fact. Just let us have fun without taking a mic and complete soundboard. 10 sec access for everyone for a map isn't what i call spam (+ with a cooldown). So don't exagerate so much when you say it woulb be cancer
Yes, there is soundboard spam already, means we dont need more of it, especially when it requires zero effort to do.
Even with vip only, it would be alot and if there would be a time restriction, people would probably "camp" on the cooldown.
Muting torch is easy, but you know whats even easier ? Not giving access to everyone in the first place
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it is available for everyone in gfl, in nide only VIPs i think (this what i saw when i joined it)
Yes Only VIP or Admins can use torchlight. But during december all players have free VIP :pphop:
Yeah let's do like gee ef fail and nade where players have access to torchlight but most of the time ends by being disabled by admins because of too much spam :lul:
Yes but it makes admin work a bit. The more admin work the more they are paid, not on unloze ? :really:
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Yes Only VIP or Admins can use torchlight. But during december all players have free VIP
Yes but it makes admin work a bit. The more admin work the more they are paid, not on unloze? :really:
Not sure if you are actually serious about this, but in most communities Admins and other staff members usually are not paid. We are doing this in our own free time. In the end, I agree with Strongfield and the other comments denying giving access to normal or VIP. There is no point in the regard that normal/vip can get soundboard themselves and use it if they want to.
Using torchlight as another incentive for VIPs is dumb. VIPs already have plenty of benefits in regard to rewards in all Unloze servers. But if for some reason we give people access, it would only be vips and members registered to forums with access, and the limitation would be soo harsh that there would be no point. 9/10 Times on the other ZE servers, players mute their SM TV or disable it because of the fucking spam.
In full honesty, first time I bought vip it was mainly because I thought I could use torchlight (I don't have a mic, and setting up a soundboard is just unnecessary if rarely using it). Intended to use sounds that's useful when leading, cause using the radio only and chat ain't much effective

Took me too long to realize that all those who kept using it were admins, not vips (too many admins smh :wlenny:), so was kind of surprised vip's didn't have that access. Worst case if they're abusing it just take away their privilege?
Not sure if you are actually serious about this, but in most communities Admins and other staff members usually are not paid.

Yes was a joke but you know the french jokes are a bit technical (or weird depend if you re french or not)

The best idea to get money was to put Paranoid in VIP section and make people pay for that. This is how french play event or pay for VIP.
But you could do a higher level of VIP so people can use torchlight.
*money money money*
Yes was a joke but you know the french jokes are a bit technical (or weird depend if you re french or not)

The best idea to get money was to put Paranoid in VIP section and make people pay for that. This is how french play event or pay for VIP.
But you could do a higher level of VIP so people can use torchlight.
*money money money*
Paranoid is vip only nomination and has like 3 day cooldown