Martin // Admin application

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Oct 11, 2016
1. General Information.
-Nickname: Martin
-Age: 25
-Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25505439
-Server(s) you are applying for: ZE
-Current Activity: Pretty consistently 5-6 hours everyday.

2. Why do you want to be an admin? I care a lot about this community, which is natural when you spend a lot good quality time with people with similar interests. For me the whole status of being an admin isn't important to me. The reason I actually would like to be an admin is more so about being able to help the players whenever needed. Whether that be taking care of bullies, teamkillers or cheaters to name a few.

3. What past experience do you have and other things that would benefit us having you as an admin? I was admin for i3D during 2014-2016, until we merged here with Unloze, and then I was briefly admin here too, but as some of you may remember, a lot of us i3D admins went inactive during the merge, including myself. But yeah, I am familiar with managing players and sourcebans when needed. I also have 6700 hours on css, so I have a good understanding of the ins and outs of the game.

4. Can you play during late hours?
Yeah, I sometimes even play by myself at night time to practice maps or play with others joining. So I would have no problems managing the server at this time, though there's traditionally more lenience for messing around at night. :p

5. Imagine you as a brand new admin, suspect a player to inflate or break the server rules on purpose. The usual approach based on what I have seen is knife/item restricting them. And length of the restriction is usually anywhere from a couple of hours and upwards to a full 24 hours. However, I would probably first kick them with a warning unless it's during an event, and there's obviously exceptions to this rule, like the spawn of icecap, some nemesis maps where you are supposed to knife, knife_fun, and mountain escape. And if it's someone potentially scripting/hyperscrolling I'd confirm by checking their jump logs before kicking with a warning, and ban if carelessly ignoring the warning. There's also the occasional person trolling with excessive mic/chat spam, and in that case they'd get a temporary mute/gag, especially if someone is trying to lead.

6. Other stuff and/or last words. Regardless of whether my application gets accepted, I'd like to give a huge thanks to the current and past admins and players for making this community thriving still to this day. We recently had our 7th birthday, and I for one would be completely lost in life if it wasn't for you guys. Thanks for still being part of this dedicated community of zombie escapers <3
He really has a potential and I never saw him being rude or toxic once.
Well well, good luck Martiiin. :awoo:
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Just wanted to state that this is probably one of the better written applications I have seen. Hoping to see more applications written like this.
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Well written admin application, i hope this application will inspire someone who made application from google translate then got declined 2 times then payed someone and make good application im not even mention about his actions in server for example when you try to communicate with him insta gagg you, can't even type 2 proper word idk how did they accept him :d
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