Application admin in ZR

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Retired Admin
Jul 15, 2021
-Nickname DarkieGirla7
-Age 17
-Steam ID 0:1:566190946
-Server(s) you are applying for ZR
-Current Activity well in past of months im always active every day but now im a active a little but im trying to be active every day again just like i do in past of months

2. Why do you want to be an admin? Tell us what drives you to join our admin team and help us manage this community.
well first i like this community and i see theres no admin in zr so i decided to be an admin in zr and i like players in zr so much

3. What past experience do you have and other things that would benefit us having you as an admin? List all the past duties you have done in any communities and what kind of skills/knowledge do you have.
well i was admin in other cs games mostly in cs 1.6 but im not focusing there im in css i was a owner 1 server 2 co owner of server 4 vampire 2 moderator and 1 helper and i know rules in cs 1.6 and now like i say im not focusing there cuz im not online there anymore and i read rules of admin in every unloze server but im applying for ZR

4. Can you play during late hours? Do you have the possibility to play during late hours (past 1-2am) and very early (before 7am). Explain why and give us some details about how you could manage the server around these hours by yourself.
well yes but sometimes im busy in other games but i will be online in that time

5. Imagine you as a brand new admin, you suspect a player to inflate or breaking the server rules on purpose. Explain to us how do you approach the situation. Add any details that seem important to you.
first i will do is spec and i will watch him if his using cheat and i will warn him for that if he do not listen what i say i will ban him for cheat beside im applying admin in zr not in ze and if the players is trolling the objects/props i will warn them for that and smoking and if the player is using mic with annoying sounds i will gag him

6. Other stuff and/or last words. Type here anything else you have in mind and finish your application in style!
some of in discord unloze know about me but if u want to know me more you can visit in ZR im active there every day but sometimes not because im busy in school
Gl, would be good seeing such an active admin there
and pretty co-operative since she was willing in helping many admins before
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Yo. Your application got accepted, welcome aboard. I'm sending you in private the information you need.
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